Undergraduate Programs Calendar 2004-05 |
Calendar of Dates 2004-2005
The complete Calendar of Dates is available on the Web at www.mcgill.ca/student-records. The excerpt published herein was accurate as of February 2004. The information is subject to change and users are advised to verify important dates by checking the Web. Key dates for the faculties and schools included in this Calendar are given below. Unless otherwise specified, dates given for faculties apply to any schools therein.
- Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, including School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition and McGill School of Environment students registered in A&ES
- Arts, including School of Social Work, and McGill School of Environment students registered in Arts
- Education
- Engineering, including School of Architecture
- Management
- Music
- Religious Studies
- Science, including School of Computer Science and McGill School of Environment students registered in Science
Date ActivityCode Faculty/School Activity Mar. 1, Mon. SUPP![]()
Application deadline for supplemental exams in courses ending during the Fall Term for Arts, Education, Nursing, Religious Studies, Science and Social Work (supplemental exams are not available for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Engineering [except freshman U0 courses] or Management courses). Mar. 1, Mon. APP GRAD Deadline for application for September admission to most departments in the GPSO. (Many departments have earlier deadlines. Please verify with the individual department or on the web at www.mcgill.ca/applying/graduate). Mar. 1, Mon. APP ALL Deadline for applications for all applicants studying, or who last studied, in a CEGEP in Quebec (except applicants to Music). Mar. 8, Mon. to Mar. 19, Fri. EXAM P&OT Examination period for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Mar. 12, Fri. REG![]()
Summer Session registration opens for Undergraduate and Graduate students. Graduate students should confirm dates with individual departments. Mar. 15, Mon. ADV A&ES/FMT Academic advising begins for all returning undergraduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences and FMT students. Mar. 15, Mon. ADV ART/SCI/BSW Academic advising begins for returning students in Arts, Science and Social Work. Mar. 15, Mon. & Mar. 16, Tues. ADV ENG Distribution of all registration information and calendars for returning Engineering students in the Student Affairs Office, Room 378, Macdonald Engineering Building. Mar. 15, Mon. to Mar. 19, Fri. ADV ART/SCI/ BSW Distribution of calendars for returning Arts and Science students in the corridor of the Leacock Building. Mar. 15, Mon. to Mar. 19, Fri. ADV REL Distribution of all registration information and calendars for returning BTh students, from the BIRKS building, Room 113. Mar. 15, Mon. to Mar. 26, Fri. ADV EDUC Academic advising for returning students in Education. Appointments to be arranged by individual departments. Please consult your department(s) for details. Mar. 15, Mon. to Apr. 15, Thurs. ADV MUS Academic advising for returning students in Music. Mar. 19, Fri. EXAM A&ES Deadline to report all exam conflicts to the Student Affairs Office (Laird Room 106) for winter term exams. Mar. 22, Mon. to Apr. 30, Fri. STAGE P&OT Clinical Affiliation for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Mar. 23, Tues. to May 2, Sun. REG CE Summer session registration using Minerva begins for Continuing Education returning students. Mar. 25, Thurs. REG![]()
Registration using Minerva for all students entering the graduating (U3/U4) year of their program (excluding courses offered by the Faculty of Management, except as noted below), and all students in Graduate degree programs, except for Continuing Education. Mar. 25, Thurs. REG MGMT Registration in Management courses for undergraduate students entering their graduating (U3/U4) year: B.Com.; Minors in Management, Technological Entrepreneurship, Construction Engineering and Management; B.A. Joint Honours Economics and Finance, B.A. Faculty Program or Major in Industrial Relations, B.A. Major Concentration in Contemporary German Studies, and B.Ed. in Kinesiology. Mar. 29, Mon. to May 2, Sun. REG CE Registration using Minerva for newly admitted Continuing Education students. Mar. 30, Tues. REG![]()
Registration using Minerva for students in all programs entering their penultimate (U2) year of study (excluding courses offered by the Faculty of Management except as noted below), except for Continuing Education. Mar. 30, Tues. REG MGMT Registration in Management courses for undergraduate students entering their penultimate (U2) year of study: B.Com.; Minors in Management, Technological Entrepreneurship, Construction Engineering and Management; B.A. Joint Honours Economics and Finance, B.A. Faculty Program or Major in Industrial Relations, B.A. Major Concentration in Contemporary German Studies, and B. Ed. in Kinesiology. Mar. 31, Wed. IFT P&OT Physical and Occupational Therapy application deadline for Fall term, 2004 inter-faculty transfers. April 2004 Apr. 1, Thurs. FORM EDUC Deadline to submit waiver forms for Teacher Certification for Spring and Fall graduates to the Student Affairs Office. Apr. 1, Thurs. FORM EDUC Placement forms due at the Office of Student Teaching for Field Experience courses for returning students for 2004-2005. Apr. 1, Thurs. REG![]()
Registration using Minerva for all returning students (excluding courses offered by the Faculty of Management except as noted below), except for Continuing Education. Apr. 1, Thurs. REG CE Registration using Minerva for all returning Continuing Education - Education students only. Apr. 1, Thurs. REG MGMT Registration in Management courses for returning undergraduate students entering the first (U1) year of study: B.Com.; Minors in Management, Technological Entrepreneurship, Construction Engineering and Management; B.A. Faculty Program or Major in Industrial Relations, B.A. Joint Honours Economics and Finance, B.A. Major Concentration in Contemporary German Studies, and B.Ed. in Kinesiology. Apr. 5, Mon. to May 2, Sun. REG CE Summer session registration using Minerva for returning Continuing Education Special students. Apr. 5, Mon. to Apr. 8, Thurs. EXAM CE Examination period for credit courses in Languages and Translation (Continuing Education). Apr. 6, Tues. REG MGMT Registration in courses offered by the Faculty of Management opens for all returning students. Apr. 9, Fri. and Apr. 12, Mon. HOLIDAY EASTER. No classes or exams. Administrative offices closed. Library hours to be announced. Apr. 13, Tues. LEC![]()
Last day of lectures for Winter Term 2004 for classes that follow the Monday, Wednesday, Friday class schedule in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (excluding FMT), Arts, Continuing Education, Education (non-blocked courses), Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (second and third year), Religious Studies, Social Work (BSW/MSW), Science. Apr. 15, Thurs. to Apr. 30, Fri. EXAM ALL Examination period for courses ending during the Winter term. (Physical and Occupational Therapy 2nd and 3rd year students only.) Apr. 20, Tues. LEC FMT Last day for lectures for FMT program. Apr. 30, Fri. ORIENT D & HN Orientation: NUTR 209, Professional Practice Stage 1B (Dietetics). Apr. 30, Fri. IFT ARCH School of Architecture application deadline for Fall Term 2004 inter-faculty transfers. May 2004 May 3, Mon. APP LAW Deadline for Law Transfer and Quebec Bar applicants. May 3, Mon. and May 4, Tues. DEF/SUPP![]()
Deferred and supplemental examinations in courses ending in the Fall term in Arts, Education, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Science, Social Work and Engineering U0 courses. May 3, Mon. LEC SPBSW First day of lectures for incoming Special B.S.W. students. May 3, Mon. LEC P&OT Classes reconvene for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. May 3, Mon. LEC/STAGE NURS Classes reconvene and clinical courses commence for Nursing students. May 3, Mon. ORIENT D & HN Orientation: NUTR 311, Stage in Dietetics 2B. May 4, Tues. STAGE D & HN Site Placements begin for NUTR 311, Stage in Dietetics 2B. May 4, Tues. & May 5, Wed. DEF A&ES Deferred examinations for courses ending in the Fall term in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. May 4, Tues. to May 9, Sun. REG CE Late registration for all Continuing Education Students. May 14, Fri. DEF![]()
Application deadline for deferred examinations for Winter Term and multi-term courses ending in the Winter Term 2004 in Arts (including School of Social Work), Education and Science. May 15, Sat. W![]()
Deadline for Web withdrawing (grade of "W") from multi-term courses that started in Winter 2004 for students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Social Work, and Science (no withdrawals from Education Intensive courses).Please note that students in multi-term courses with course numbers ending in N1 and N2 (started in the winter, skip the summer, are completed in the subsequent fall term) may withdraw on Minerva until May 15 and following May 15 until the end of the fall term course change period on September 12 (with full refund for the fall term) by contacting their faculty Student Affairs Office. May 19, Wed. REG LAW Registration (credits restricted) starts for returning U4 students in Faculty of Law. May 21, Fri. REG LAW Registration (credits restricted) starts for returning U3 students in Faculty of Law. May 21, Fri. LEC P&OT End of Integration Block lectures for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. May 24, Mon. HOLIDAY VICTORIA DAY (Classes cancelled). Administrative offices closed. Libraries are closed. May 25, Tues. to May 31, Mon. EXAM P&OT Examination period for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students-Integration Block. May 25, Tues. REG LAW Registration (credits restricted) starts for returning U2 students in Faculty of Law. May 27, Thurs. REG LAW Registration with credit limit raised for all returning students in Faculty of Law. May 31, Mon. DEF/SUPP LAW Law application deadline for deferred and supplemental examinations (fall term, winter term and full year courses). May 31, Mon. CONV![]()
10:00 Management15:00 Health Sciences19:00 Continuing Education May-June-July-Aug. STAGE P&OT Clinical Affiliations for 2nd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. June 2004 June 1, Tues. APP REL Application deadline for Fall admission to Faculty of Religious Studies, BTh Program. June 1, Tues. APP CE Application deadline for Fall admission to Continuing Education Programs. June 1, Tues. IFT![]()
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Education, Engineering, Management, Nursing and Science application deadline for Fall Term 2004 inter-faculty transfers. June 1, Tues. PREXAM MUS Application deadline for September Music practical examinations. (Summer graduands only.) June 1, Tues. CONV![]()
10:00 Education14:00 Engineering June 2, Wed. CONV![]()
10:00 Arts & Religious Studies14:00 Music June 3, Thurs. CONV![]()
14:00 Science June 4, Fri. CONV![]()
10:00 Law June 4, Fri. CONV![]()
14:30 Agricultural & Environmental Sciences June 4, Fri. LEC/EXAM/STAGE NURS Last day of stage (including examinations) for U3 Nursing students. Last day of lectures, stage (including examination) for U2 B.Sc.(N.) students. June 7, Mon. THES GRAD Deadline to submit Doctoral theses with Nomination of Examiners forms to GPSO (Thesis Office) for students expecting to convocate in Fall 2004. Meeting this deadline does not guarantee a Fall graduation. June 9, Wed. LEC SPBSW Last day of lectures for incoming Special B.S.W students. June 18, Fri. STAGE D&HN NURS Last day for NUTR 311, Stage in Dietetics 2B. Last day of lectures, stage (including examinations) for U1 B.Sc.(N.) students. June 21, Mon. THES GRAD Deadline to submit Master's theses with Nomination of Examiners forms to GPSO (Thesis Office) for students expecting to convocate in Fall 2004. Meeting this deadline does not guarantee a Fall graduation. June 21, Mon. LEC/ EXAM DENT/ MED Last day for 1st year Dentistry/Medicine students. June 24, Thurs. HOLIDAYNOTE LA FÊTE NATIONALE DU QUÉBEC. Libraries closed. Classes cancelled. Administrative offices closed.Between June 25 and August 13 (inclusive) administrative offices will be closed each Friday. June 28, Mon. STAGE D & HN Site Placements begin for NUTR 209, Professional Practice Stage 1B (Dietetics). July 2004 July 1, Thurs. HOLIDAY CANADA DAY. Classes cancelled. Libraries closed. Administrative offices closed. July 13, Tues. PLEXAM![]()
Application deadline for newly admitted students for placement tests in basic science courses in biology, chemistry, math, physics. July 15, Thurs. SUPP![]()
Application deadline for supplemental examinations for courses ending in Winter Term 2004 (including multi-term courses ending in winter term) for Arts, Education, Nursing, Religious Studies, Science and Social Work (supplemental exams not available for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Engineering [except freshman U0 courses] or Management courses). July 15, Thurs. REG MUS Deadline for returning students to submit practical lesson assignment cards without a late fee. July 20, Tues. to Sept. 1, Wed. REG CE Registration using Minerva begins for returning Continuing Education students for Fall courses and programs. July 23, Fri. MED Last day for activities for 2nd year Medicine Students. July 27, Tues. to Sept. 1, Wed. REG CE Registration using Minerva begins for newly admitted students in Continuing Education. August 2004 Aug. 2, Mon. REG RET Last day for returning students in all faculties to register (except Continuing Education) without a late registration fee. Aug. 3, Tues. to Aug. 10, Tues. REG MED/DENT Registration using Minerva for 1st year Medicine and Dentistry students. Must confirm registration by attending in-faculty confirmation of registration on August 11th. Aug. 3, Tues. to Sept. 1, Wed. REG ALL Late registration using Minerva for returning students in all faculties (except Continuing Education) with a $50 late fee. Aug. 3, Tues. to Sept. 1, Wed. REG NEW Registration using Minerva for all newly admitted students in Graduate Studies and Law. Aug. 3, Tues. to Sept. 1, Wed. REG NEW Registration using Minerva for all newly admitted undergraduate students in the following faculties whose highest level of education prior to registering at McGill is a CEGEP Diploma, French Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate or at least one year of university.Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work. Aug. 5, Thurs. to Sept. 1, Wed. REG NEW Registration using Minerva for all newly admitted undergraduate students in the following faculties whose highest level of education prior to registering at McGill is high school.Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work. Aug. 5, Thurs. to Sept. 1, Wed. REG CE Registration using Minerva for returning Continuing Education Special students. Aug. 9, Mon. & Aug. 10, Tues. ADV EDUC Early advising for new students in Education. (Please consult the Education Handbook or Student Affairs web site at www.mcgill.ca/edu-sao/). Aug. 9, Mon. & Aug. 10, Tues. ADV NURS Academic Advising for undergraduate students entering the Integrated Nursing Program. Aug. 9, Mon. to Aug. 19, Thurs. DEF/ SUPP LAW Deferred and supplemental examinations in Law. Aug. 11, Wed. REG MED Mandatory in-faculty confirmation of registration for 1st year Medicine and Dentistry students (all day). Aug. 15, Sun. REG![]()
Registration using Minerva begins for fall term Continuing Education courses for all faculties except Dentistry, Law, Management, Medicine, Nursing and Physical and Occupational Therapy. Aug. 16, Mon. LEC DENT/MED Lectures begin in the Faculty of Dentistry for 1st year students and in the Faculty of Medicine for 1st year students. Aug. 17, Tues. to August 31, Tues. IDCARD![]()
IDs at the Trottier Building. Including Saturday, August 21 and Sunday, August 22. Excluding Saturday, August 28 and Sunday, August 29. Aug. 19, Thurs. to Sept. 3, Fri. ORIENT ALL Orientation Centre opens daily at 9:00 a.m., Brown Student Services Building, 2nd floor, 3600 McTavish Street (closed weekends and Labour Day). Aug. 19, Thurs. to Sept. 10, Fri. ORIENT ALL First-Year Resource Room opens daily (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Brown Student Services Building, Room 2007, 3600 McTavish Street (closed weekends and Labour Day). Aug. 23, Mon. REG DENT In-faculty confirmation of registration for 3rd and 4th year Dentistry students. Aug. 23, Mon. LEC DENT Lectures begin in the Faculty of Dentistry for 3rd and 4th year students. Aug. 23, Mon. LEC DENT/ MED Classes begin in the Faculties of Dentistry and Medicine for 2nd year students. Aug. 23, Mon. LEC ART/SCI Students registering for BIOL 358 report for field excursion at 9:00 a.m. in R2-046 Raymond Building, Macdonald Campus. Field excursions continue on Aug. 24th, 26th, and 27th. Aug. 23, Mon. LEC A&ES Students registering for PLNT 358 report for field excursion at 9:00 a.m. in R2-046 Raymond Building, Macdonald Campus. Field excursions continue on Aug. 24th, 26th and 27th. Aug. 23, Mon. to Aug. 28, Sat. LEC A&ES Students registering for WILD 401 report for class at 9:00 a.m. Field session lasts from Monday to Saturday inclusive Aug. 23, Mon. & Aug. 25, Wed. ORIENT ART/SCI Departmental Orientation sessions for some departments. Students must check the Student Affairs Office website for specific details: www.mcgill.ca/artscisao/. Aug. 23, Mon. to Aug. 27, Fri. ADV ART/SCI Academic advising for new students in Arts (including BSW) and Science. Refer to "Welcome to McGill" book for details. Aug. 23, Mon. to Aug. 27, Fri. ADV EDUC Academic advising for new students in Education. (Please consult the Student Affairs web site at www.mcgill.ca/edu-sao/ for exact schedule). Aug. 23, Mon. to Aug. 31, Tues. ADV A&ES Academic advising for new students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition. Refer to "The Essential Guide for New Students" booklet and website www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/ for specific details. Aug. 23, Mon. to Aug. 31, Tues. ORIENT ALL Orientation Week Aug. 23, Mon. to Aug. 31, Tues. ORIENT A&ES "Discover Mac" - Faculty Orientation for all new students (undergraduate and graduate) in the faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Aug. 23, Mon. to Sept. 9, Thurs. IDCARD A&ES IDs at Laird Hall during "Discover Mac" week. Refer to Orientation schedule and website www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/ for more details (closed Monday, September 6). Aug. 24, Tues. ORIENT NEW "Discover McGill" - University and Faculty orientation for all new undergraduate students. Refer to "Welcome to McGill" book for details. Aug. 24, Tues. & Aug. 25, Wed. DEF A&ES Deferred exams in Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for Winter Term 2004 courses. Aug. 25, Wed. ADV MUS Advising of new undergraduate students in Music at the Strathcona Music Building. Aug. 25, Wed. ADV NURS Academic advising for undergraduate students entering U0 and mature students from 9h00 to 12h00. Academic advising for non-McGill undergraduate students transferring from other Universities into Nursing, from 13h00 to 16h00. Aug. 25, Wed. & Aug. 26, Thurs. DEF/SUPP![]()
Deferred and supplemental examinations for courses in Winter Term 2004 (including multi-term courses ending in winter term) for Arts, Education, Engineering (U0 courses), Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work. Aug. 25, Wed. to Aug. 27, Fri. PLEXAM![]()
Placement examinations for newly admitted students in basic science courses in biology, chemistry, math, physics. Aug. 25, Wed. & Aug. 26, Thurs. ADV MGMT Advising (compulsory) for new students in Management including Visiting students. See "Welcome to McGill" book for specific details. Aug. 26, Thurs. to Aug. 31, Tues. ADV ENG Advising (compulsory) for new students in Engineering including Architecture. Refer to "Welcome to McGill" book and website www.mcgill.ca/engineering for specific dates. Aug. 26, Thurs. & Aug. 27, Fri. PLEXAM MUS Undergraduate placement examinations in Music History, Theory, Musicianship and Keyboard Proficiency. Aug. 26, Thurs. to Aug. 31, Tues. LEC A&ES A&ES students registering for PLNT 358 report for field classes starting at 9 a.m., Aug. 26, in Room R2-046. Aug. 27, Fri. REG ALL Deadline for cancellation of registration for the Fall term except Continuing Education. (Deposit is non-refundable for new students.) Aug. 30, Mon. LEC MED Classes begin in the Faculty of Medicine for 3rd year students. Aug. 30, Mon. LEC FMT First day of lectures in Farm Management and Technology Program (all years). Aug. 31, Tues. THESNOTE GRAD Registered students in 2003-2004 who have completed the residency in a thesis program and who submit their theses to GPSO (Thesis Office) on or before this date are not required to register for the 2004-2005 academic year. Students who have already registered for the year must ask the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office, in writing, to delete their registration at the time of their thesis submission.Students should not expect to graduate in Fall 2004, but must graduate by Fall 2005 (at the latest), otherwise, they must be reinstated and will be charged retroactive registration fees for all unregistered sessions up to and including the term in which they graduate. Aug. 31, Tues. INFO BSW B.S.W. Field information session (all day). Aug. 31, Tues. ORIENT D & HN Orientation for NUTR 510, Professional Practice-Stage 4 (Dietetics) (8:30 am - 4:00 p.m.); placements commence September 1. Aug. 31, Tues. ORIENT LAW Faculty Orientation and in-faculty confirmation of registration for 1st year, special and visiting students in Law, Chancellor Day Hall. Aug. 31, Tues. to Sept. 3, Fri. AUD MUS Auditions for students wishing to take Music Ensemble courses. September 2004 Sept. 1, Wed. REG ALL Deadline for new students to register without a late registration fee for all faculties and for returning students to register with a $50 late fee ($20 for Special students). Sept. 1, Wed. REG CE Deadline for students to register for Continuing Education courses without a late registration fee. Sept. 1, Wed. INFO MSW M.S.W. information session (all day). Sept. 1, Wed. LECNOTE
EDUC Lectures begin in programs in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education (all credit courses), Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (1st and 2nd year students), Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work (BSW).Education students should consult the appropriate Faculty of Education Advising material for details regarding Field Experience courses. Please be aware that a number of placements end later than the last day of lectures in the Fall term. Sept. 1, Wed. ORIENT P&OT Orientation for 1st and 2nd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Sept. 1, Wed. to Sept. 17, Fri. ADV ENG Compulsory academic advising and course approval required for ALL returning Engineering students (first two weeks of classes). Sept. 2, Thurs. STAGE MSW M.S.W. Field Practice commences. Sept. 2, Thurs. STAGE BSWMSW B.S.W. Field Practice commences.M.S.W. lectures begin. Sept. 2, Thurs. to Sept. 6, Mon. REG EDUC Education Intensive courses Course Add period in Fall Term courses. Sept. 2, Thurs. to Sept. 10, Fri. REG MUS Music (practical lessons) Course Change period in Fall Term courses. Submit course change form to Performance Department. (No withdrawals from practical lessons after this period.) Sept. 2, Thurs. to Sept. 12, Sun. REG ALL Late registration period with $100 late registration fee for all faculties ($25 late registration fee for Continuing Education students; $40 for Special students). Sept. 6, Mon. HOLIDAY LABOUR DAY. (Classes cancelled). Libraries closed. Administrative offices closed. Sept. 7, Tues. LEC CE Lectures begin in non-credit courses in English and French Language programs at Continuing Education (except Special Intensive English and French). Sept. 7, Tues. ORIENT P&OT Orientation for 3rd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Sept. 7, Tues. LEC P&OT Lectures begin for 3rd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Sept. 7, Tues. ORIENT GRAD University Orientation for new graduate students in Thomson House, 3650 McTavish Street, either 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. or 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Sept. 8, Wed. ORIENT POSTDOC University Orientation for new postdoctoral studies students in Thomson House, 3650 McTavish Street, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Sept. 12, Sun. REG![]()
Course Change (drop/add) deadline for Fall Term and first part of multi-term courses starting in September 2004 for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music (except practical lessons), Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Social Work, and Science. (No withdrawals from Music Ensembles after this date.) Sept. 12, Sun. W![]()
Deadline for Web withdrawing (grade of "W") from multi-term courses that started in Summer 2004 (with fee refund for Fall Term) for students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Social Work, and Science (no withdrawals from Education Intensive courses).Please note that students in multi-term courses with course numbers ending in N1 and N2 (started in the winter, skip the summer, are completed in the subsequent fall term) may withdraw on Minerva until May 15 and following May 15 until the end of the fall term course change period on September 12 (with full refund for the fall term) by contacting their faculty Student Affairs Office. Sept. 13, Mon. to Sept. 17, Fri. PREXAM MUS Practical Examinations for Fall graduates in Music. Sept. 19, Sun. W/W-- ALL Deadline to web withdraw (grade of "W") with full refund (less $100 minimum charge for returning students and less deposit for new students, in case of complete withdrawal from the University). Sept. 19, Sun. W CE Deadline to web withdraw (grade of "W") with refund (less $20 charge per course) from Continuing Education credit courses. Sept. 20, Mon. LEC CE Lectures begin in Special Intensive English, Special Intensive French and General Studies non-credit courses at Continuing Education. Sept. 24, Fri. AWRD GRAD Returning Master's and Doctoral level students should enquire of their departments or the GPSO (Graduate Fellowships and Awards) regarding precise deadlines for internal and external fellowship competitions; important deadlines normally fall during the months of October and November. October 2004 Oct. 1, Fri. APP LAW Deadline for Law Quebec Bar applicants for Winter Term 2005. Oct. 1, Fri. APP CE Application deadline for Winter admission to Continuing Education Programs. Oct. 4, Mon. THES GRAD Deadline for submission of doctoral theses with Nomination of Examiners forms to GPSO (Thesis Office) for students expecting to graduate in February 2005. Meeting this deadline does not guarantee a Winter graduation. Oct. 4, Mon. to Oct. 8, Fri. VERIF![]()
Verification period by printed form for all faculties for students for whom the fall is their last term before graduation (excluding Continuing Education, Graduate Studies and Agricultural and Environmental Sciences ); via Minerva for all other students. Oct. 4, Mon. to Oct. 9, Sat. STAGE FMT Farm Practice 1 in Farm Management and Technology Program. Oct. 10, Sun. W![]()
Deadline for web withdrawing (grade of "W") from Fall Term courses and Continuing Education Fall Term courses for students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Social Work, and Science. (No withdrawals from Education Intensive or from ensembles or practical lessons in Music.) Oct. 11, Mon. HOLIDAY THANKSGIVING DAY (Classes cancelled). Libraries closed. Administrative offices closed. Continuing Education evening classes will be re-scheduled. Oct. 14, Thurs. to Oct. 17, Sun. EVENT ALL Homecoming 2004 (including Macdonald campus activities). Oct. 16, Sat. EVENT A&ES Annual Homecoming, Macdonald Branch of the McGill Alumni Association (Macdonald campus). Oct. 18, Mon. THES GRAD Deadline for submission of Master's theses with Nomination of Examiners forms to GPSO (Thesis Office) for students expecting to graduate in February 2005. Meeting this deadline does not guarantee a Winter graduation. Oct. 28, Thurs. CONV ALL 14:30 Fall Convocation. November 2004 Nov. 1, Mon. APP REL Application deadline for Winter admission to Faculty of Religious Studies, BTh Program. Nov. 1, Mon. APP NURS Application deadline for Winter admission to School of Nursing for 3 year Bachelor of Nursing Program. Nov. 1, Mon. IFTNOTE![]()
Application deadline for Winter Term 2005 inter-faculty transfers.The faculties of Arts, Engineering (see website www.mcgill.ca/engineering for details on programs open for January admission), Education, Management and Science do not accept Winter Term inter-faculty transfers. Also, please contact the Faculty of Music to determine which of their programs accept Winter Term inter-faculty transfers. Nov. 4, Thurs. AWRD A&ES Scholastic Awards Reception and Presentation, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Nov. 5, Fri. LEC P&OT Last day of lectures for 3rd year students in Physical and Occupational Therapy. Nov. 8, Mon. to Nov. 12, Fri. EXAM P&OT Fall examination period for 3rd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Nov. 12, Fri. EXAM A&ES Deadline to report all exam conflicts to the Student Affairs Office (Laird Hall, Room 106) for fall term exams. Nov. 15, Mon. to Dec. 17, Fri. STAGE P&OT Clinical Affiliation for 3rd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Nov. 16, Tues. to Jan. 3, Mon. REG CE Registration using Minerva begins for Winter courses and programs for returning students in Continuing Education. Nov. 22, Mon. to Jan. 3, Mon. REG CE Registration using Minerva begins for newly admitted students in Continuing Education. Nov. 22, Mon. to Nov. 29, Mon. EXAM CE Fall examination period for all language and translation courses in Continuing Education. Nov. 29, Mon. to Jan. 3, Mon. REG CE Registration using Minerva for returning Continuing Education Special students. Nov. 30, Tues. LEC![]()
Last day of lectures for courses that follow the Tuesday-Thursday class schedule in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Education (except for 1st year students in Kind & Elem & Sec programs), Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (1st & 2nd year), Religious Studies, Science and Social Work (B.S.W and M.S.W.). December 2004 Dec. 3, Fri. to Jan. 3, Mon. REG![]()
Winter Term registration period for new students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Management, Music, Nursing, Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work. Individual faculties and departments set their own dates within this period. Dec. 2, Thurs. LEC![]()
Unless the instructor has otherwise made up the contact time with the class, last day of lectures for courses that are taught in 3 hour Monday blocks in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Education (except for 1st year students in Kind & Elem & Sec programs), Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (1st & 2nd year), Religious Studies, Science and Social Work (B.S.W and M.S.W.). Dec. 3, Fri. LEC CE Last day of lectures for Continuing Education. Dec. 3, Fri. LEC![]()
Last day of lectures for course that follow the Monday-Wednesday-Friday class schedule in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Education (except for 1st year students in Kind & Elem & Sec programs), Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (1st & 2nd year), Religious Studies, Science and Social Work (B.S.W and M.S.W.). Dec. 3, Fri. REG MBA Winter Term registration period for all new M.B.A. part-time students. Dec. 6, Mon. to Dec. 21, Tues. EXAM![]()
Examination period for Fall Term courses, and multi-term courses given by Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (1st and 2nd year), Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work (B.S.W.). Dec. 10, Fri. STAGE BSW/ MSW Last day of B.S.W. and M.S.W. Field Practice. Dec. 10, Fri. STAGE EDUC Last day of 3rd and 4th year field exp. in many B.Ed. programs Dec. 13, Mon. LEC DENT/ MED Last day of Fall Term (exam day) for 1st year students in Dentistry and Medicine. Dec. 14, Tues. LEC FMT Last day of lectures for Fall Term, Farm Management and Technology program. Dec. 15, Wed. APP MUS Deadline for application for admission for all graduate programs. Dec. 15, Wed. REG![]()
Registration begins for winter term Continuing Education courses via Minerva for all faculties except Dentistry, Law, Management, Medicine and Physical and Occupational Therapy. Dec. 15, Wed. to Dec. 22, Wed. EXAM FMT Fall Term examination period for Farm Management and Technology program. Dec. 17, Fri. LEC DENT Last day of Fall Term for 3rd and 4th year students in Dentistry. Dec. 17, Fri. STAGE D & HN Last day for NUTR 510, Professional Practice-Stage 4 (Dietetics). Dec. 20, Mon. LEC DENT/ MED Last day of Fall Term (exam day) for 2nd year students in Dentistry and Medicine. Dec. 23, Thurs. to Jan. 2, Sun. HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S. Administrative offices will be closed between December 23 and January 2 inclusive.Library hours available at Reference Desks. Refer also to McGill's Web page at www.library.mcgill.ca Dec. 25, Sat. HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS DAY. Libraries closed. January 2005 Jan. 1, Sat. HOLIDAY NEW YEAR'S DAY. Libraries closed. Jan. 1, Sat. & Jan. 2. Sun. HOLIDAY NEW YEAR'S. Administrative offices closed. Jan. 3, Mon. ADV![]()
Academic advising for new students in Arts and Science, and Management. Jan. 3, Mon. ORIENT/ ADV ENG Orientation and academic advising for new students in Engineering. (See Welcome Book and website www.mcgill.ca/engineering for details). Jan. 3, Mon. ADV A&ES Academic advising for new students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. (See "The Essential Guide for New Students" Booklet and website www.mcgill.ca/madonald for details). Jan. 3, Mon. REG ALL Deadline for new students to register for Winter Term without a late registration fee for all faculties. Jan. 3, Mon. REG CE Deadline for students to register for Continuing Education courses without a late registration fee. Jan. 3, Mon. STAGE MSW Field Practice resumes for M.S.W. students. Jan. 3, Mon. LEC MSW Lectures begin for M.S.W. students. Jan. 3, Mon. & Jan. 4, Tues. AUD MUS Auditions for students wishing to take Music Ensemble courses. Jan. 3, Mon. to Jan. 14, Fri. ADV ENG Compulsory academic advising and course approval required for ALL returning Engineering students. (First two weeks of classes) Jan. 3, Mon. to Feb. 4, Fri. STAGE P&OT Clinical Affiliation for 3rd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Jan. 4, Tues. LECNOTENOTE
EDUC Winter Term lectures begin in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (including Farm Management and Technology program), Arts, credit courses at Continuing Education (all programs), Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (1st and 2nd year students), Religious Studies, Science, Social Work, Dentistry (all programs) and Medicine students.The first Tuesday (January 4) will follow a Monday schedule.Education students should consult the Faculty website, www.mcgill.ca/edu-sao/ for details regarding Field Experience courses. Please be aware that a number of placements end later than the last day of lectures in the Winter term. Jan. 4, Tues. STAGE BSW Field Practice resumes for B.S.W. students. Jan. 4, Tues. to Jan. 16, Sun. REG NEW Late registration for new students with $100 late registration fee for all faculties ($25 late registration fee for all Continuing Education students; $40 for Special students). Jan. 5, Wed. ORIENT NEW University Orientation for new undergraduate students (5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Moyse Hall in the Arts Building). Jan. 5, Wed. ORIENT A&ES Faculty Orientation for new undergraduate and graduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (5:30 -6:30 p.m.) Ceilidh Centennial Center. Jan. 6, Thurs. REG EDUC Course add deadline to add Education Intensive courses for Winter term. Jan. 6, Thurs. ORIENT GRAD University Orientation for new graduate students (5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Ballroom in Thomson House). Jan. 10, Mon. LEC CE Lectures begin in non-credit language and General Studies courses at Continuing Education. Jan. 11, Tues. ORIENT POSTDOC University Orientation for new post doctoral studies students (5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Ballroom in Thomson House). Jan. 14, Fri. IFT MUS Music application deadline for Fall Term 2005 inter-faculty transfers. Jan. 14, Fri. DEF![]()
Application deadline for deferred examinations for courses from the Fall Term 2004 in Arts (including School of Social Work), Education, Nursing and Science. (For details, see the Faculty Regulations in the Arts and Science sections of the UG Calendar.) Jan. 14, Fri. REG MUS Music (practical lessons) deadline for dropping Winter Term courses. (Music: Submit course change form to Performance Department. No withdrawals from practical lessons after this date.) Jan. 15, Sat. APP MUS Deadline for applications for admission for all undergraduate applicants. Jan. 16, Sun. REG ALL Course Change (drop/add) deadline for Winter Term courses and Continuing Education Winter Term courses for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Law, Management, Music (except practical lessons), Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Science and Social Work. (No withdrawals from Music Ensembles after this date.) Jan. 16, Sun. REG CE Course change (drop/add) deadline for Continuing Education. Jan. 16, Sun. REG GRAD Final Course Add/Drop deadline for Winter Term courses and N1/N2 courses in Graduate Studies. After this date students receive a mark of "W" (withdrawn). Jan. 16, Sun. W![]()
Deadline for web withdrawing (grade of "W") from multi-term courses that started in September 2004 (with fee refund for Winter Term) for students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Social Work, and Science (no withdrawals from Education Intensive). Jan. 17, Mon. LEC CE Lectures begin in Special Intensive English and French at Continuing Education. Jan. 17, Mon. APP LAW Deadline for non-CEGEP Law applications into 1st year and Advanced Standing Applicants. Jan. 22, Sat. to Jan. 28, Fri. EVENT A&ES Carnival Week at Macdonald Campus. Classes as usual. Jan. 23, Sun. W/W--![]()
Deadline to web withdraw (grade of "W") from Winter Term courses with fee refund. Returning students - less $100 minimum charge in the case of complete withdrawal for students not registered in the fall. New students - less deposit in case of complete withdrawal. (No withdrawals from Ed. intensive courses, or music ensembles and practical lessons.) Jan. 28, Fri. ORIENT D & HN Campus orientation for NUTR 409, Stage in Dietetics Level 3 (afternoon session). Jan. 31, Mon. APP MGMT/SCI Application deadline for Science students applying to the Minors in Management and Technological Entrepreneurship (Management Student Affairs Office). Jan. 31, Mon. to Feb. 4, Fri. BREAK D & HN Study break for NUTR 409, Stage in Dietetics Level 3. Jan. 31, Mon. to Feb. 4, Fri. VERIF![]()
Verification period by printed form for all faculties for students for whom the winter or summer is their last term before graduation (excluding Continuing Education, Graduate Studies and Agricultural and Environmental Sciences); via Minerva for all other students. February 2005 Feb. 1, Tues. APP CE Application deadline for Spring admission to Continuing Education Programs. Feb. 7, Mon. THES GRAD Deadline to submit doctoral theses with Nomination of Examiners forms to GPSO (Thesis Office) for students expecting to convocate in Spring 2005. Meeting this deadline does not guarantee a Spring graduation. Feb. 7, Mon. LEC P&OT Winter term lectures begin for 3rd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Feb. 7, Mon. STAGE D & HN Site orientation for NUTR 409, Stage in Dietetics Level 3. Feb. 10, Thurs. EVENT A&ES Macdonald College Founder's Day. (Sir William C. Macdonald born Feb. 10, 1831; died June 9, 1917). Classes cancelled 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Feb. 13, Sun. W![]()
Deadline for web withdrawing (grade of "W") from Winter and Winter term Cont. Ed courses for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies Social Work, and Science (no withdrawals from ensembles or practical lessons in Music). No Refund. Feb. 19, Sat. to Feb. 27, Sun. AUD MUS Entrance Auditions for all undergraduate and M. Mus. (Performance) applicants. Feb. 21, Mon. THES GRAD Deadline to submit Master's theses with Nomination of Examiners forms to GPSO (Thesis Office) for students expecting to convocate in Spring 2005. Meeting this deadline does not guarantee a Spring graduation. Feb. 21, Mon. to Feb. 25, Fri. BREAKNOTE
EDUC STUDY BREAK and Carnival Friday (Classes cancelled for all faculties except Dentistry, Medicine, Centre for Continuing Education non-credit courses, Stage in Dietetics Level 3). Study break for 2nd and 3rd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students.Libraries open.Student Teaching is not interrupted for Education students. Feb. 21, Mon. to Feb. 26, Sat. STAGE FMT Farm Practice/Stage for Farm Management and Technology Program years 1 and 2. Feb. 23, Wed. to Feb. 25, Fri. BREAK P&OT Study Break for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. March 2005 Mar. 1, Tues. APP GRAD Deadline for applications for September admission to most departments for Graduate Studies. (Many departments have earlier deadlines. Please verify this date with the individual department or on the web at www.mcgill.ca/applying/graduate.) Mar. 1, Tues. APP NURS Application deadline for candidates studying, or who last studied in CEGEP in Quebec. Mar. 1, Tues. SUPP![]()
Application deadline for supplemental examinations in Fall Term courses and N1/N2 courses from the Fall Term 2004 for Arts, Education, Nursing, Religious Studies, Social Work, and Science (not available for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Engineering (except freshman courses) or Management courses). TBA ADV NURS Distribution of all registration information and calendars for returning Nursing students. Mar. 4, Fri. LEC P&OT Last day of lectures for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Mar. 7, Mon. to Mar. 18, Fri. EXAM P&OT Winter examination period for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Mar. 14, Mon. ADV ART/SCI Academic advising begins for returning students in Arts and Science. Mar. 14, Mon. & Mar. 15, Tues. ADV ENG Distribution of all registration information and calendars for returning Engineering students in the Student Affairs Office, Room 378, Macdonald Engineering Building. Mar. 14, Mon. to Mar. 18, Fri. ADV ART/SCI/ BSW Distribution of calendars for returning Arts and Science students in the corridor of the Leacock Building. Mar. 14, Mon. to Mar. 18, Fri. ADV MGMT Distribution of all registration information and calendars for returning Management students. Mar. 14, Mon. to Mar. 18, Fri. ADV REL Distribution of all registration information and calendars for returning BTh students, from BIRKS building, Room 113. Mar. 14, Mon. to Mar. 24, Thurs. ADV EDUC Academic advising and distribution of material for returning students in Education. Mar. 14, Mon. to Apr. 14, Thurs. ADV MUS Academic advising for returning students in Music. Mar. 14, Mon. ADV A&ES Academic advising begins for all returning undergraduate and Farm Management and Technology students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. TBA ADV P&OT Registration counselling in Physical and Occupational Therapy for returning students. Mar. 18, Fri. EXAM A&ES Deadline to report all exam conflicts to the Student Affairs Office (Laird Hall, Room 106) for winter term exams. Mar. 21, Mon. to Apr. 29, Fri. STAGE P&OT Clinical Affiliation for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. Mar. 25, Fri. and Mar. 28, Mon. HOLIDAY EASTER. No classes or exams. Administrative offices closed.Library hours to be announced. Mar. 29, Tues. to Apr. 1, Fri. EXAM CE Winter examination period for all language (non-credit) courses in Continuing Education. Mar. 31, Thurs. IFT P&OT Physical and Occupational Therapy application deadline for Fall term, 2005 inter-faculty transfers. April 2005 Apr. 1, Fri. FORM EDUC Deadline to submit waiver forms for Teacher Certification for Spring and Fall graduates to the Student Affairs Office. Apr. 1, Fri. FORM EDUC Placement forms due at the Office of Student Teaching for Field Experience courses for returning students for 2004-2005. Apr. 1, Fri. LEC CE Last day of lectures in language non-credit programs at Continuing Education. Apr. 1, Fri. LEC DENT Last day of lectures for Winter Term for 4th year Dentistry students. Apr. 4, Mon. to Apr. 7, Thurs EXAM CE Examination period for translation courses in Continuing Education. Apr. 4, Mon. to Apr. 22, Fri. EXAM DENT Examination period for 4th year Dentistry students. Apr. 13, Wed. LEC![]()
Last day of lectures for Winter Term in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (2nd and 3rd year), Religious Studies, Social Work (BSW/MSW), Science. Apr. 14, Thurs. STAGE BSW/MSW Last day of Field Practice for B.S.W. (U2 & U3) students & for M.S.W students. Apr. 14, Thurs. to Apr. 29, Fri. EXAM![]()
Examination period for Winter Term and multi-term courses given by Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy (2nd and 3rd year), Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work. Exams begin earlier (April 4th) for Dentistry students. Apr. 15, Fri. STAGE D & HN Last day for NUTR 409, Stage in Dietetics Level 3. Apr. 20, Wed. LEC FMT Last day of lectures in the Farm Management and Technology program. Apr. 20, Wed. LEC SPBSW Lectures resume for Special B.S.W. students. Apr. 21, Thurs. to Apr. 29, Fri. EXAM FMT Winter Term examination period for Farm Management and Technology program. Apr. 29, Fri. ORIENT D & HN Orientation for NUTR 209, Professional Practice Stage 1B (Dietetics) (mid-summer placements). Apr. 29, Fri. IFT ARCH Application deadline School of Architecture for Fall Term 2005 inter-faculty transfers. May 2005 May 2, Mon. APP LAW Deadline for Law Transfer and Quebec Bar applicants. May 2, Mon. STAGE D & HN Orientation for NUTR 311, Stage in Dietetics 2B; placements begin May 4, Tuesday. May 2, Mon. LEC P&OT Classes reconvene for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students - Integration Block. May 2, Mon. LEC/STAGE NURS Classes reconvene and clinical courses commence for U1, U2, and U3 Nursing students. May 2, Mon. & May 3, Tues. DEF/SUPP![]()
Deferred and supplemental examinations in Fall Term courses in Arts, Education, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Science, Social Work and Engineering U0 courses. May 3, Tues. & May 4, Wed. DEF A&ES Deferred examination in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for courses ending in the Fall Term. May 13, Fri. DEF![]()
Application deadline for deferred examinations for Winter Term and multi-term courses ending in the Winter Term 2005 in Arts (including School of Social Work), Education and Science. May 15, Sun. W![]()
Deadline for web withdrawing (grade of "W") from multi-term courses that started in the Winter term 2005 and end in the Summer term or in the Fall term (with fee refund for Winter Term) for students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Continuing Education, Education, Engineering including Architecture, Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Social Work, and Science (no withdrawals from Education Intensive). May 20, Fri. LEC P&OT End of Winter Term 2005 for Physical and Occupational Therapy students - Integration Block. May 23, Mon. HOLIDAY VICTORIA DAY (Classes cancelled). Libraries closed. Administrative offices closed. May 24, Tues. to May 30, Mon. EXAM P&OT Examination period for 1st year Physical and Occupational Therapy students, Integration Block. May 30, Mon. DEF/SUPP LAW Law application deadline for deferred and supplemental examinations (fall term, winter term and full year courses). May-June-July-Aug. STAGE P&OT Clinical Affiliations for 2nd year Physical and Occupational Therapy students. June 2005 TBA CONV![]()
2005 Convocations June 1, Wed. APP REL Deadline for application for Fall admission to Faculty of Religious Studies, BTh Program. June 1, Wed. APP CE Application deadline for Fall admission to Continuing Education Programs. June 1, Wed. IFT![]()
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Education, Engineering, Management, Nursing and Science application deadline for Fall Term 2005 inter-faculty transfers. June 1, Wed. PREXAM MUS Application deadline for September practical examinations in Music. (Summer graduands only.) June 3, Fri. LEC/EXAM/STAGE NURS Last day of stage (including examinations) for U3 Nursing students. Last day of lectures, stage (including examinations) for U2 Nursing students. June 7, Tues. LEC SPBSW Last day of lectures for outgoing Special B.S.W. students. June 17, Fri. LEC/STAGE NURS Last day of lectures, stage (including examinations) for U1 B.Sc.(N.) students. June 17, Fri. STAGE SPBSW/D & HN Last day of Field Practice for outgoing Special B.S.W. students and last day for NUTR 311, Stage in Dietetics 2B. June 23, Thurs. LEC/ EXAM DENT/ MED Last day of lectures (including examinations) for 1st & 3rd year Dentistry students and 1st year Medicine students. June 24, Fri. HOLIDAY LA FÊTE NATIONALE DU QUÉBEC. Classes cancelled. Administrative offices closed. June 27, Mon. HOLIDAY Classes cancelled. Administrative offices closed (for La Fête Nationale du Québec). June 27, Mon. STAGE D & HN Placements begin for NUTR 209, Professional Practice Stage 1B (Dietetics). July 2005 July 1, Fri. HOLIDAY CANADA DAY. Classes cancelled. Administrative offices closed. July 4, Mon. HOLIDAY Classes cancelled. Administrative offices closed (for Canada Day). July 5, Tues. LEC/ EXAM DENT Last day of lectures (including examinations) for 2nd year Dentistry students. Add note from last year (offices closed). July 15, Fri. SUPP![]()
Application deadline for supplemental examinations for courses ending in Winter Term 2005 (including multi-term courses ending in winter term) for Arts, Education, Nursing, Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work (supplemental exams not available for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Engineering (except freshman U0 courses) or Management courses). August 2005 Aug. 8, Mon. to Aug. 18, Thurs. DEF/SUPP LAW Deferred and supplemental examinations in Law. Aug. 23, Tues. & Aug. 24, Wed. DEF/SUPP A&ES Deferred examinations in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for Winter 2005 courses. Aug. 24, Wed. & Aug. 25, Thurs. DEF/SUPP![]()
Deferred and supplemental examinations for courses ending in Winter Term 2005 (including multi-term courses ending in the Winter term) for Arts, Education, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Religious Studies, Science, and Social Work. Including Engineering U0 courses.
McGill University www.mcgill.ca/student-records/ |
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