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Graduate Fellowships and Awards 2005/06
4 McGill Graduate Fellowships
4.1 Recruitment Fellowships4.1.1 Richard H. Tomlinson FellowshipsEstablished in 2000 through a very generous gift from Dr. Richard H. Tomlinson (Ph.D. 1948). Awarded annually by the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office to recruit outstanding students into Master's and Doctoral degree program. Tomlinson fellows who accept a fellowship from an agency external to McGill will be entitled to one-half the full value of the Tomlinson Fellowship.
Tomlinson Master's Fellowships in the Faculty of ScienceEligibility:The Tomlinson Faculty of Science Master's Fellowships are for new students accepted into a Master's program in a department within the Faculty of Science. (Consult the GPSO Web site, www.mcgill.ca/gps/fellowships, for a list of eligible departments.)Value:$15,000, renewable annually based on satisfactory progress, to a maximum tenure of 2 years for master's level.Deadline:Early January. Confirm precise deadline on GPSO Website.Application:Tomlinson fellowship award holders are selected on the basis of nominations made by departments. Applicants for a Tomlinson fellowship to support a Master's or Doctoral program at McGill must submit their application directly to departments by early January, along with their application for admission. www.mcgill.ca/gps.Tomlinson Doctoral FellowshipsEligibility:The Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships are for new students accepted into a doctoral degree at any department at McGill University.Value:$20,000, renewable annually based on satisfactory progress, to a maximum tenure of 3 years for doctoral level.Deadline:Early January (confirm precise deadline on GPSO Web site).Application:Tomlinson fellowship award holders are selected on the basis of nominations made by departments. Applicants for Tomlinson fellowship to support a Master's or Doctoral program at McGill must submit their application directly to departments by early January, along with their application for admission. www.mcgill.ca/gps.4.1.2 Max Stern Recruitment FellowshipsIn addition to the McGill Major Fellowships for continuing graduate students, McGill University provides a small number of recruitment fellowships to selected academic departments for outstanding applicants seeking first admission to graduate studies at McGill during the following academic year. A small number of new non-renewable Recruitment Fellowships will be awarded in 2005-06. These are valued at approximately $14,000 for one year. All applicants for first-time graduate admission are automatically considered by departments for a recruitment fellowship, if the unit has one to offer. There are no application forms, since awards are based exclusively on departmental nomination.
4.1.3 Sir Yue-Kong Pao FellowshipsEstablished in 2002 by Anna Pao Sohmen, M.S.W. 1969, in
honour of her father, Sir Yue-Kong Pao. Awarded by the GPSO to outstanding graduate students on the basis of academic merit. Preference shall be given first to students from Ningbo University, and, secondarily, to students from the People's Republic of China.Value:$25,000.
Deadline:February (Confirm precise deadline on GPSO Web site).
Application:Forms and additional information are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Website at: www.mcgill.ca/gps/fellowships.4.1.4 Discipline-specific Recruitment FellowshipsJ.W. McConnell Foundation Fellowships in EnvironmentEstablished in 2000 by the J.W. McConnell Foundation to outstanding students entering the first year of a Master's degree in the area of Environmental Studies. Awarded by the GPSO to a graduate student in the area of Environmental Studies.
Value:$15,000 each; renewable.Deadline:Not offered until further notice.Max Stern McCord Museum FellowshipEstablished in 1991 by the trustees of the Max Stern estate.Eligibility:Offered to meritorious graduate students who are seeking admission in the Faculty of Arts at McGill University and whose research will directly involve the collections of the McCord Museum. Please consult the McCord Museum Web site at www.mccord-museum.qc.ca for information on the various collections of the Museum. No citizenship restrictions. In 2005-06, one fellowship is available.Value:Master's is a minimum of $15,000, renewable once; Doctoral is a minimum of $20,000 renewable twice.Deadline:March (Confirm precise deadline on GPSO Web site).Application:Forms and additional information are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Web site at: www.mcgill.ca/gps/fellowships.WERNER GRAUPE INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIPEstablished in 1999 by a generous gift from the Werner Graupe and the Antje Graupe Pryor Foundation.Eligibility:Awarded by the GPSO to an international student from a German or French university, enrolling in a Master's or Ph.D. program in Engineering at McGill. Preference is given to students from German universities, particularly Technische Universitat Berlin. Students in Chemical and Civil Engineering are not eligible.Value:$25,000; renewable.Deadline:February (Confirm precise deadline on GPSO
Website).Application:Forms and additional information are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Web site at: www.mcgill.ca/gps/fellowships.4.2 McGill Major Fellowships (for continuing students only)Each year the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office of McGill University awards McGill Major Fellowships valued at $10,000 to $15,000 per year. Applications for most such fellowships are reviewed by the Graduate Fellowships Committee, while a small number are granted on the basis of departmental and/or faculty nominations.
Students who wish to be considered for graduate level funding offered by McGill, should immediately contact the department where they intend to undertake graduate study and/or the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section in order to ascertain the sources of McGill funding for which they are eligible. Competitions often take place one full year ahead of award tenure, therefore it is advisable to make inquiries well in advance of the date when funding is required. It should be noted that virtually all McGill Graduate awards tenable in a given year are restricted to students who were enrolled in a McGill graduate program during the preceding year.
Value and EligibilityStudents already enrolled in Master's or doctoral study at McGill, may apply for a McGill Major Fellowship (valued at $10,000 - $15,000 per year, renewable in some cases), provided they meet the specific eligibility requirements of the year's competition. Details regarding eligibility and specific deadlines and application forms for McGill Major Fellowships are available from departments and the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section. Tenure of Major fellowships is restricted to students registered full-time in the Ph.D.2 through to the Ph.D. 5 year.
Application Deadlines and FormsAll applications for McGill Major fellowships must be ranked by departments; applications should not be sent directly to the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.
For students in the social science and humanities disciplines, the McGill Major Fellowship application deadline coincides with that of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) doctoral fellowships competition (generally early during the month of October). For students in natural science, engineering and medical science disciplines, the deadline coincides with that of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Postgraduate Scholarships competition (generally early during the month of October). For students in medical sciences, the deadline coincides with that of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Awards competition (generally early during the month of October). Forms and instructions are based on the corresponding external agencies' application forms and are available on the Web at www.mcgill.ca/gps.
External Fellowships and McGill Major FellowshipsAll applicants for McGill Major funding must, if eligible, have applied to CIHR, SSHRC or NSERC and, if eligible to the Quebec funding agency Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les technologies (FQRNT), Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) or Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ).
Students who are offered both a McGill Major Fellowship and any other external or internal fellowship worth $10,000 or more (including fee subsidies) must accept the latter and decline the Major. However, in some cases, students may be eligible for "topping-up" with a partial McGill Major Fellowship.
Announcement of ResultsThe final results of the McGill Major Fellowships competitions are announced in May by letter. The GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section will not give results over the telephone.
Description of Individual Major Fellowships* These fellowships are open to returning McGill graduate students only. For policies, application procedures, deadlines and forms, see the introduction to this section on McGill Major Fellowships.Alma Mater Fellowship*Established in 1982 by generous contributions to the Alma Mater Fund from many graduates who designated their gifts to the area of scholarships and student aid.
Eligibility:Open to students in any degree program in the Graduate Studies. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; renewable once.Arthur C. Tagge Fellowship in the Humanities and Social Sciences*Eligibility:Tenable by a graduate of any approved university proceeding to a higher degree in any department in the Humanities or the Social Sciences. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000, non-renewable. Awarded for one year only.Carl Reinhardt Fellowship*Established from the estate of the late Carl Reinhardt, who received Bachelor of Applied Science degrees from McGill University in Civil Engineering (1896) and Mining Engineering (1897).
Eligibility:Open to graduate students in the Departments of Physics, as well as Earth and Planetary Sciences. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; renewable twice.Chalk- Rowles Fellowship*Established by Mary Laura Chalk, McGill's first woman Ph.D. in Physics (1928), in memory of her husband, William Rowles (Ph.D. 1928), Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Physics at Macdonald College.
Eligibility:Open to graduate students in the Department of Physics. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; renewable once.Clifford C.F. Wong Fellowship*Eligibility:Founded in 1981 by Mr. Clifford C.F. Wong, B. Arch. 1960, to enable a graduate student to pursue studies towards a higher degree at McGill University. First preference will be given to students coming from the People's Republic of China and second preference to students coming from Hong Kong. In the absence of suitable candidates from these two regions, the fellowship would be available to suitable candidates from any country.Value:$12,000 plus tuition fees at the non-privatized rate; renewable once.Dalbir Bindra Fellowship*Established in recognition of the late Professor Dalbir Bindra's contribution to teaching and research during his thirty years in the Department of Psychology at McGill.
Eligibility:Open to students registered in any program of the Graduate Studies, with a preference to those from developing countries.Value:$10,000; renewable once.David Stewart Memorial Fellowship*Established through a bequest by the late Agnes Stewart in memory of her father, David Stewart.
Eligibility:Offered to graduate students in the physical and biological sciences who demonstrate high ability and who are likely to enter a career of university teaching. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; non-renewable.Eileen Peters Fellowship*Established in 1993 with an endowment from the N.E. Peters Foundation.
Eligibility:Awarded by the GPSO with preference being given to women. Consideration, if appropriate, will be given to students pursuing graduate studies in the Faculty of Medicine or the School of Nursing. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$12,000, renewable twice.Esterina and Gaetano Liberatore Fellowship*Established in 1995 through the generous gift of Luigi Liberatore.Eligibility:The fellowships may be held by students registered in any graduate program at McGill. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; renewable twice.Friends of McGill Fellowship*The fellowship is made available through the McGill Development program by the Friends of McGill Inc., New York.
Eligibility:Open to graduate students in any discipline who are citizens of the United States of America.Value:$10,000; renewable once.Greville Smith Research Fellowship*Eligibility:Three fellowships are endowed by the trustees of the Greville Smith bequest for research by graduate students, one in Engineering, and one in Management, and one in any discipline, for overall excellence. The leadership qualities of the candidate, together with the usefulness to the community of the proposed study, is taken into consideration by the GPSO in their choice of fellows. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$15,000; renewable twice.Harold H. Helm Fellowship*Established in 1960 in honour of Harold Helm, then Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Princeton University.
Eligibility:Open to students in any degree program in graduate studies at McGill. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; renewable once.Hugh MacLennan Memorial Fellowship for the Study of Canada*Established in 1993 from the estate of Hugh MacLennan.
Eligibility:For students in the Faculty of Arts with preference being given to Canadian Studies. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; renewable twice.J.W. McConnell Memorial Fellowship*Established by the J.W. McConnell Foundation to support graduate studies and research at McGill University, and so to strengthen, in quality and in numbers, the academic staff of Canadian universities and schools.
Eligibility:The fellowships may be held by students registering in any graduate research program (except Medicine) at McGill. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; renewable twice.Lloyd Carr-Harris Fellowship*Established in 1995 through the generosity of the Lloyd Carr- Harris Foundation.Eligibility:The fellowships may be held by students registered in any graduate program in the health sciences at McGill. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$15,000; renewable twice.Max E. Binz Fellowship*Established from the estate of the late Max E. Binz, who was born in Switzerland, emigrated to Canada in 1930, established a successful textile company, and became a generous benefactor of McGill University.
Eligibility:The fellowship is open to all students in degree programs in graduate studies. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; non-renewable.Max Stern Fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences*Established through the generosity of the Dr. and Mrs. Max Stern Foundation.
Eligibility:The fellowship may be held by students registered in any graduate program in the humanities or social sciences at McGill. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$15,000, renewable twice.McGill Alumnae Society Fellowship*Established in 1988 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the McGill Alumnae Society.
Eligibility:To be awarded to a research student in any faculty who is pursuing studies of benefit or significance to women. Preference will be given to women applicants. No citizenship requirements.Value:$10,000, renewable twice.Philip F. Vineberg Graduate Fellowship*Endowed in 1992 in memory of Philip F. Vineberg, O.C., Q,C, B.A., M.A., B.C.L., L.L.D., former Professor and Emeritus Governor of McGill University.
Eligibility:Open to graduate students pursuing in an advanced degree in Arts, Education, Law, Library Science, Music, Religious Studies or Social Work, to finance one year of study. Awarded to a graduate student who best exemplifies the qualities of intelligence as demonstrated by academic record and creative thinking; breadth of interest, perspective and tolerance as demonstrated by cross cultural interests; record of service to others; excellence as demonstrated by a record of disciplined undergraduate achievement at another university and the promise of more to come. The fellowship is open to all eligible students with preference to Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents.Value:$10,000, non-renewable.Philip P. Baily Fellowship*Eligibility:Established in 1995 through a generous bequest by Philip Pendlebury Baily (B.Sc. 1913, M.Sc. 1914) for students registered in any graduate program in the Faculty of Medicine or Science. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$12,000, non-renewable.Saul Hayes Graduate Fellowship*Eligibility:Established by Edgar and Charles Bronfman in memory of Saul Hayes for graduate students undertaking research with preference to the areas of Civil Liberties and Human Rights. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; tenable for up to four years.Solvay Fellowship*Eligibility:Offered for the first year of graduate study in any department at McGill. The holder must have graduated in any undergraduate faculty of McGill in the session prior to that for which the award is given, and must obtain permission to proceed to graduate study. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; non-renewable.SR Telecom AwardsEstablished in 1997 through a generous gift from SR Telecom, Inc.
Eligibility:The awards will be presented each year to enhance major fellowships for students in Engineering and Computer Science.Value:minimum $4,000 each.Women's Centennial Fellowship*Established in 1984 by the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Admission of Women students to McGill University.
Eligibility:Preference will be given to women applicants in a Ph.D. program. No citizenship restrictions.Value:$10,000; non-renewable.4.3 Complementary McGill Awards to Major FellowshipsThe Beijing, Neil Croll and Walter Hitschfeld Memorial Awards are given as award complements to the most highly ranked McGill Major Fellowship awardees, meeting the specific eligibility criteria of each award.
Beijing Memorial AwardEligibility:Awarded on the basis of academic merit to a student working towards a higher degree at McGill University, with a preference to those from the People's Republic of China.Application:No application necessary. Awarded by the Fellowships Committee of the GPSO to an outstanding student who has also been awarded a McGill Major Fellowship.Value:$1,000.Neil Croll Memorial AwardEstablished in memory of the late Professor Neil Croll, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Parasitology and Director of McGill International, and a teacher and friend of students from developing countries.
Eligibility:For graduate students, with a preference to those from developing countries.Value:$1,000.Application:No application necessary. Awarded by the Fellowships Committee of the GPSO to an outstanding student who has also been awarded a McGill Major Fellowship.Walter Hitschfeld AwardEstablished in honour of W.F. Hitschfeld Ph.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.C., a teacher and friend of many such students and former Director of McGill International.
Eligibility:For graduate students, with a preference to those from developing countries.Value:$1,000.Application:No application necessary. Awarded by the Fellowships Committee of the GPSO to an outstanding student who has also been awarded a McGill Major Fellowship.4.4 Specialized FellowshipsDelta Upsilon Memorial ScholarshipFounded by the McGill Chapter of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity in memory of its members who gave their lives in the Boer War,
the Great War of 1914-18, and the Second War of 1939-45.Eligibility:Open to students who have received an undergraduate degree from McGill University in any faculty and tenable for graduate study at any recognized university. The necessary CGPA is 3.5 or above.Value:Average of $5,000 (awards of lesser value may be made in certain cases).Deadline:February 1.Application:Forms and additional information are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Web site at: www.mcgill.ca/gps/fellowships. (Same form as Mackenzie King Open and Travelling Scholarships).Eben Hopson Fellowship For Study At McgillEstablished through a 1988 donation from the North Slope
Borough of Alaska in honour of Eben Hopson, Mayor of the North Slope Borough from 1972 to 1980, to advance the pursuit, promotion and sharing of knowledge in areas of common interest and
relevance to the scientific, social and economic development, and the greater welfare of the North Slope Borough and the counties of the Circumpolar North.Eligibility:Awards will be made for graduate studies at McGill in appropriate areas of Arctic studies, including but not necessarily limited to environmental problems within the Arctic regions, Arctic archaeology and prehistory, social problems of the Arctic (development, impact assessment studies, psychology, rural education, etc.), Arctic health and medicine, communications, indigenous Native Peoples (rights, languages and traditional
culture), Humanities and Social sciences and Natural Sciences.Value:$6,000. Awards are renewable for a second year for
Masters studies and up to a fourth year for Doctoral Studies.Deadline:To the department in which the applicant intends to study, by March 1.Application:Application information is available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Web site at: www.mcgill.ca/gps/ fellowships.JOHN WILLIAMSON FREDERICK PEACOCK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in memory of Flight Lieutenant John Williamson
Frederick Peacock, a member of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity, who was killed in action over Normandy in 1944.Eligibility:Open to students who have received an undergraduate degree from McGill University in any faculty and tenable for graduate study at any recognized university. The necessary CGPA is 3.5 or above.Value:Average of $5,000 (awards of lesser value may be made).Deadline:February 1.Application:Forms and additional information are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Website at: www.mcgill.ca/ gps/fellowships. (Same form as Mackenzie King Open and Travelling Scholarships).Thomas And Willa Ferguson Smythe FellowshipEligibility:Founded by a bequest of the late Thomas Harold Smythe for students in any discipline from Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia or Zimbabwe who intend to return to their countries upon completion of their studies in Canada. A strong preference is given to incoming students. Candidates must have been formally granted admission to a McGill graduate program at the time of nomination.Value:Minimum of $7,000 plus tuition fees at the non privatized rate; renewable once.Deadline:March 30 by McGill department.Application:There is no application form, since this fellowship is based on department nominations.4.5 Dissertation FellowshipsRobert and Mary Stanfield Dissertation FellowshipEstablished in 1994 through the Robert and Mary Stanfield Foundation.
Eligibility:This fellowship is awarded to an outstanding doctoral student whose research focuses on Canada or some aspects of Northern Studies nearing the completion of Ph.D. degree.Value:Minimum $9,000, non-renewable.Deadline:Normally early April.Application:See the GPSO Website for details on application/nomination procedures: www.mcgill.ca/gps/fellowships/grad/winter/dissertation-fellowships.Standard Life Dissertation FellowshipEstablished in 1997 by a generous donation by the Standard Life Insurance Company.
Eligibility:This fellowship is awarded to an outstanding doctoral student in Health Sciences who will complete their dissertation in the coming academic year and who are not receiving other fellowship funding.Value:Minimum $6,000.Deadline:Normally early April.Application:See the GPSO Website for details on application/nomination procedures: www.mcgill.ca/gps/fellowships/grad/winter/dissertation-fellowships.4.6 Differential Fee WaiversInternal DFWsThe Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office awards approximately 120 Differential Fee Waivers per term to international students, approximate value: $3,165 Ph.D., $3,600 Masters.
Eligibility and Nomination ProceduresThese differential fee waivers are restricted to international graduate students at McGill whose visa status requires them to pay full international tuition fees. Recipients must be registered full-time and be within the period of residency. (See explanation of residency in the Program Requirements section of the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Calendar.) Students in a qualifying year or additional session are not eligible. Students in "privatized" programs are not eligible. All eligible international students are automatically considered by departments for differential fee waivers, if the unit has them to offer. Since these differential fee waivers are awarded based exclusively on departmental nomination, there are no application forms. Interested students who cannot otherwise qualify for an external differential fee waiver (see below) should contact the department to which they are applying.
External DFWsDifferential fee waivers are also available from a number of external sources, including the Ministere d'Education du Quebec. Please note that the Quebec government grants differential fee waivers to staff and dependents of consulates, foreign government offices, international governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, refugees, immigrants with a work permit containing the case type 07, 08, 20, 22, 23 or 26 with the name of an employer and location that is necessarily situated in Quebec, and to those students in MEQ-approved interuniversity exchanges. For more information on how to qualify for differential fee waivers under these provisions, please see this document:
Politique relative aux droits de scolarité exigés des étudiantes et étudiants étrangers par les universités du Québec, available in PDF at the MEQ Website : www.meq.gouv.qc.ca/ens-sup/ens-univ/$etrangers-a.asp.
To promote the French language and Québec culture outside Canada, the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec exempts all international students admitted to certain programs in Québec from the payment of supplemental tuition fees. To be eligible for the exemption, a student must be registered on a full-time basis (except for the last semester before obtaining a degree, in which case the
student may be registered part-time) in a university program recognized by the Ministère de l'Éducation that leads to a degree in French (Language and Literature), Québec Literature, French or Québec Studies, or Teaching French as a First Language, a Second Language or a Foreign Language. For a list of eligible programs and the institutions that offer them, please see this Website: www.meq.gouv.qc.ca/ens-sup/ens-univ/$etrangers-a.asp.A certain number of citizens from countries whose governments have entered into agreements on tuition fees with Québec may be exempted from the supplemental tuition fees normally required of international students.
The exemption is granted in accordance with the applicable agreement on tuition fees and subject to its terms and conditions, which vary depending on each agreement. The exemption is valid for the normal length of the program of studies concerned (
for instance, a Master's degree in Environmental Studies) at a post-secondary institution in Québec, and is granted one semester at a time. From the first semester for which an exemption is granted at a designated institution until the program is completed, the exemption is renewable on a trimester-by-trimester basis as long as a student earns no fewer than 30 credits per year, complies with the applicable regulations, registers on a full time basis at least for the fall and winter trimesters and pays the tuition fees on the prescribed registration dates.All French citizens and a limited number of citizens depending on the following countries or governments may apply for an exemption of this type: Algeria, Andorra, Belgium (some members of the Communauté française and of the Flemish Community), Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Catalonia, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Flemish Community, Gabon,
Germany (a certain number of holders of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst scholarships [DAAD]), Guinea, Israel, Italy,
Lebanon, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, Niger, Panama, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, Uruguay and Viet Nam.To apply for an exemption of this type, a student must meet the following conditions: be a citizen depending on one of the aforementioned countries or governments; be admitted to a program of studies at a post-secondary institution in Québec; be registered on a full-time basis according to the applicable rules at that institution; like any international student, be the holder of a valid passport and residence permit as prescripted by the applicable immigration rules; and, except for French citizens, be recommended for an exemption by the relevant authorities in his or her country-usually the department of education-according to the official procedure described in the next paragraph.
Foreign governments or the bodies that represent them must send, usually through their consulate in Québec or their embassy in Ottawa, to the Direction des affaires étudiantes et de la coopération of the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec, before June the 15 of each year for the next autumn registrations and before November the 15th for the next winter registrations, a list of the candidates that they recommend be exempted from the requirement to pay supplemental tuition fees, joining with it the proof of admission or registration for each new exemption proposed. The Ministère de l'Éducation then establishes, according to the provisions of the agreement, the final list of the persons to benefit from the exemption during the future trimester concerned. At least 4/5 of the exemptions that are really attributed must be for registrations in french speaking institutions.
For more information and the necessary application materials, see this MEQ Website: www.meq.gouv.qc.ca/ens-sup/ens-univ/$etrangers-a.asp.
4.7 Graduation Prizes and AwardsGOVERNOR GENERAL'S GOLD MEDALEligibility:Two medals are presented each year (normally at the Spring convocation) by McGill University, in the name of and on behalf of the Governor General of Canada to the most outstanding graduating Master's or doctoral students (one in Human Sciences and one in Natural Sciences). A maximum of one nomination per McGill department will be accepted each year, based on truly outstanding academic merit. Nominations are reviewed by a GPSO Selection Committee. Nominees for the Governor General's Gold Medal are automatically considered for all the internal Graduation Prizes and Awards listed in this section.Value:Gold medal with an inscribed booklet.
Deadline:April 15, for departmental nomination to the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.Application:Nomination forms are available on the Web in March. Nominations for the Governor General's Gold medal are often combined with nominations for the Ambridge, Jenckes and Maclachlan prizes described elsewhere in this Calendar. Further details are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards
Section Website.THOMAS HALIBURTON HENRY AWARDEstablished in 2000 in honour of Thomas Haliburton Henry, 1922-1944, to be awarded by the GPSO to an outstanding graduate.
Value:Minimum $1,500.
Deadline:April 15, for departmental nomination to the GPSO
Fellowships and Awards Section.D.W. Ambridge AwardThis award was made possible by a gift to the late Douglas White Ambridge from the employees and shareholders on the occasion of his retirement from the presidency of Abitibi Power and Paper Company Limited on February 1,1963.
Eligibility:Awarded to a graduate receiving the degree of Ph.D. in the Physical Sciences or Engineering. The winner is selected from candidates nominated by each department whose academic record, including research and thesis, is judged to be outstanding among all those who graduate during the academic year.Value:$1,000 plus an engraved plaque.Deadline:April 15, for departmental nomination in the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.Gordon A. Maclachlan PrizeEstablished in 1990, with gifts from individuals and faculties, in recognition and appreciation of Professor Gordon A. Maclachlan's ten years of service to McGill as Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and Vice-Principal (Research).
Eligibility:Awarded annually by the GPSO to the most outstanding graduate receiving a Ph.D. degree during the academic year in any discipline of the Biological Sciences or Health Sciences. The winner will be selected from candidates nominated by eligible departments, based on the quality of their academic records, the scholarly significance of their research and the excellence of their theses and other publications.Value:$1,000.Deadline:April 15, for departmental nomination to the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.K.B. Jenckes PrizeEstablished in 1990 by an endowment from the estate of the late K.B. Jenckes.
Eligibility:Awarded annually by the GPSO to the most outstanding graduate receiving a Ph.D. degree during the academic year in any discipline in the social sciences and humanities. The winner will be chosen from among candidates nominated by eligible departments and faculties, assessed by the quality of their academic records, the scholarly significance of their research and the stylistic and substantive excellence of their theses and other publications.Value:$900.Deadline:April 15, for departmental nomination to the GPSO Fellowhips and Awards Section.
McGill University Web: www.mcgill.ca/gps/fellowships |
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