Health Sciences
2013–2014 University Calendar

3 General University Information and Regulations : 3.4 Fees : 3.4.6 Billings and Due Dates : Invoicing of Fees
Fees are assessed on a term-by-term basis.
Electronic billing is the official means of delivering fee statements to all McGill students. Your e-bill includes all charges to your account, including tuition, fees, health insurance, and miscellaneous charges. The University generally produces e-bills at the beginning of the month and sends an email notification to your official McGill email address stating that your e-bill is available for viewing on Minerva ( Charges or payments that occur after the statement date appear on the next month's statement, but you can view them immediately on the Account Summary by Term under the Student Accounts Menu on Minerva (this is the online dynamic account balance view).
Failure to check email on a regular basis in no way warrants the cancellation of interest charges and/or late payment fees. Refer to the Student Accounts website at for information on payment due dates.
Late Payment Fees:
If you have an outstanding balance greater than $100 on your account on October 31 (February 28 for the Winter term), you are charged a late payment fee as per the fee schedule found at section 3.4.5 “Other Fees”.

Changes are made after the publishing of this Calendar. Always check Class Schedule for the most up-to-date information. This includes class times, locations and instructors.

Note: “you” refers to students newly admitted, readmitted or returning to McGill.

Use the Course Search for descriptions of all courses and the term when they are offered. Search for courses using specific keywords in the free-form field. Note: not all courses listed here are offered every term or year.