2009-2010 Undergraduate Programs Calendar

8 Faculty of Education : 8.2 Faculty Programs : 8.2.1 Undergraduate Education Programs

The Faculty of Education offers the following Undergraduate pro­grams. Details of each program may be found in this Calendar un­der the headings of the appropriate department. The credit weights given are for students who have completed a Quebec CEGEP degree, or have been granted 30 credits of advanced standing.
All Bachelor of Education programs have been accredited by the Comité d'agrément des programmes de formation à l'ensei­gnement (CAPFE).
For "Baccalauréat en enseignement du français langue seconde (120 credits)", see section "Baccalauréat en enseignement du français langue seconde (120 credits)". A 120-credit program, offered by the Department of Integrated Studies in Education jointly with the Université de Montréal.
For "Bachelor of Education Physical and Health Education", see section "Bachelor of Education Physical and Health Education". A 120-credit program offered by the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education.
A student who successfully completes any of the above programs, (and meets other requirements set out by the MELS (Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir and du Sport)) is recommended for certification as a teacher in the province of Quebec, see section “Quebec Teacher Certification”.
For "Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology)", see section "Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology)". A 90-credit program offered by the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education.
The program entails a comprehensive understanding of human movement. Kinesiology is a multidisciplinary field viewing human movement from social, historical, psychological, or biological perspectives. The program provides students with a breadth of theoretical knowledge as well as an opportunity to explore relat­ed areas in greater depth, including minor programs available elsewhere within the University. Students may opt for either Gen­eral or Applied emphasis, with an Honours program available for particularly strong students.
For information about admission requirements to the B.Ed., B.Sc.(Kinesiology) or the Concurrent B.Sc. and B.Ed. or B.Mus. and B.Ed. programs please refer to the Undergraduate Admis­sions Guide, found at www.mcgill.ca/applying/undergrad. Appli­cants to the Concurrent B.Sc. and B.Ed. apply through the Faculty of Science, and to the Concurrent B.Mus. and B.Ed. apply through the Faculty of Music.
For information about Inter-Faculty Transfer or Readmission, please see section “Inter-Faculty Transfer”, or section “Readmis­sion”, as well as information posted on the Student Affairs Office website, www.mcgill.ca/edu-sao/current/transfers/.
Although no additional prerequisite courses are required, the Faculty recommends that applicants to the B.Ed. Secondary, Sci­ence & Technology, and B.Ed. Physical & Health Education pro­grams have appropriate background science and mathematics courses, i.e., biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Stu­dents having other backgrounds will be considered for admission but will be required to complete prerequisite courses in mathemat­ics and science that may increase the number of credits required for the degree.
Language Requirement for Applicants to B.Ed. TESL Program
Applicants to the B.Ed. TESL program are required to pass written and oral language tests in order to fulfil the admission require­ments of this program. Upon admission to the program, students will be granted exemption from EDEC 215 (English Language Re­quirement).
Students are normally admitted to a five-year B.Ed. degree requir­ing the completion of 150 credits, or a four-year B.Sc.(Kinesiology) degree requiring the completion of 120 credits. Students who have completed Quebec CEGEP, French Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate or at least one year of university studies are nor­mally enrolled in a four-year B.Ed. program, or three-year B.Sc.(Kinesiology) program.
Students entering the five-year B.Ed., or four-year B.Sc.(Kine­siology) degree are in Year 0 and are required to complete the freshman requirements applicable to their program.
Students who have completed previous university studies may be awarded transfer credits for their course work. This can only be determined after the formal application and all necessary support­ing documents have been received by Enrolment Services. A min­imum of 60 credits must be completed while in residence at McGill University in order to be eligible for a degree. Courses taken more than five (5) years before the time of admission are not permitted in subjects where there have been substantial content changes, nor in any pedagogy courses specific to the Quebec K-11 curricu­lum. Courses more than five (5) years old in other subject areas may be considered on an individual subject basis by the program director. For more details, see the Undergraduate Admissions Guide, found at www.mcgill.ca/applying/undergrad.
Please note that graduates of teacher education programs are rec­ommended by the University for Quebec Certification to the Que­bec Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS).
Teacher Certification in Quebec is the responsibility of the MELS. Students who complete requirements for the Bachelor of Education degree and who meet the MELS requirements (speci­fied below) are recommended for certification.
All graduates of the Bachelor of Education Teacher Education programs who are Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents may apply for a permanent Teaching Diploma (Brevet) immediately upon graduation.
In order to be eligible for a “Permit to Teach” or a perma­nent Quebec Diploma, candidates must be either Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.
In June 2005, the National Assembly of Quebec adopted an Act amending the Education Act and the Act respective of Private Ed­ucation. The amendments concern the verification of judicial ante­cedents of persons holding or applying for a permit to teach in the youth, adult and vocational sectors.
Anyone seeking Teacher certification in the Province of Quebec is required to submit a confidential declaration concerning their ju­dicial record to the Minister of Education. This document is availa­ble on the MELS website at www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/dftps/inter­ieur/PDF/Antecedents_judiciaires_a.pdf.
In addition to meeting these requirements, candidates for Teacher certification must be recommended by McGill University in a series of core professional competencies specified in “Teach­er Training Orientations – Professional Competencies” (MEQ 69-2099A).
Holders of a temporary Permit or of a permanent Diploma wish­ing to teach in another province or in another country must apply directly to the Teacher Certification Agency in the relevant prov­ince or country. Similarly, teachers from other provinces or coun­tries who wish to teach in Quebec must apply to:
Ministère de l’Éducation du Loisir et du Sport
600 Fullum, 10e étage
Montréal, QC  H2K 4L1
Telephone: 514-873-4630
Please refer to the following website for further information on obtaining a Quebec Teaching Licence: www.mels.gouv.qc.ca.
It is recommended that applicants intending to teach outside of Quebec obtain information beforehand concerning the require­ments for certification.
Fluency (oral and written) in the language of instruction is a re­quirement for all those seeking certification.

Changes are made after the publishing of this Calendar. Always check the Class Schedule at www.mcgill.ca/courses for the most up-to-date information. This includes class times, locations and instructors.

Note: “you” refers to students newly admitted, readmitted or returning to McGill.

Use the Course Listing Search for descriptions of all courses and the term when they are offered. Note: not all courses listed here are offered every term or year.

Use Course Keyword Search to search for courses using specific keywords in the free-form field below the term selection. Note: not all courses listed here are offered every term or year.