Table of Contents
- Index of Undergraduate Programs
- About this Calendar, Including Revisions
1.2 Incorporated and Affiliated Colleges
1.7 Deans, Directors of Schools and Libraries, and Registrar
- Application Procedures, Admission Requirements
1.1 Application to Other McGill Faculties
1.5 Entrance Scholarships and Awards
1.6 Residences Application and Acceptance
1.7.1 Citizens and Permanent Residents of Canada
1.7.2 Citizens and Permanent Residents of the United States
1.7.3 McGill Loans and Bursaries
1.8.1 Sponsorship of Non-Resident Minors
2.1 McGill's Competitive Admission Process
2.2 Proof of Proficiency in English
2.3 Placement Tests in Mathematics and Basic Sciences
2.5 Advanced Standing or Transfer Credits
2.6 Applicants from Quebec CEGEPs
2.7 Applicants from Ontario High Schools
2.8 Applicants from Canadian High Schools other than Ontario
2.9 Applicants from U.S. High School Programs (in the U.S.A. and other countries)
2.10 Applicants from High Schools Outside Canada and the U.S.A.
2.10.1 Advanced Level (A-Level) Examinations
2.10.3 International Baccalaureate Diploma
2.10.4 Other International Admissions Credentials
2.12 Programs for Students with a Previous University Degree
2.14 Special or Visiting Students (non-McGill degree)
2.15 Exchange Students coming to McGill (non-McGill degree)
- General University Information and Regulations
1 General Policies and Information
1.1 Authorization, Acknowledgment and Consent
1.2 Student Rights and Responsibilities
1.3.1 Faculty of Education Students English Language Requirement
1.4 Policy Concerning Access to Records
1.7 Proper Use of Computing Facilities
1.9 Health Professions - Immunization Requirement
1.10 Health Insurance - International Students
1.11 Health Insurance - Canadian Residents
2.1 Updating Personal Information
2.2.1 Documentation for Permanent Code, Citizenship and Proof of Quebec Residency
2.2.2 Canadians or Permanent Residents of Canada
3.4 Courses Taken under the Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option
3.6 Regulations Concerning Withdrawal
3.7 Summer Term/Summer Studies
4.4.4 Information Technology Charge
4.7 Fees and Withdrawal from the University
4.8 Other Policies Related to Fees
4.8.2 Acceptance of Fees vs Academic Standing
4.8.3 Fees for Students in Two Programs
4.10 Yearly Fees and Charges by Faculty
4.10.3 Faculty of Arts and Science - B.A. & Sc.
4.10.4 Faculty of Arts, School of Social Work - B.S.W.
4.10.5 Faculty of Education - B.Ed.
4.10.6 Faculty of Engineering - B.Eng. and B.S.E.
4.10.7 Faculty of Engineering, School of Architecture - B.Sc.(Arch.)
4.10.8 Faculty of Management - B.Com.
4.10.9 Faculty of Music - B.Mus.
4.10.10 Faculty of Religious Studies - B.Th.
4.10.11 Faculty of Science - B.Sc.
5.3 Grading and Grade Point Averages (GPA)
5.6 Verification of Student Record
5.7 Changes to Student Records after Normal Deadlines
5.8 Transcript of Academic Record
5.8.4 Course Numbering on the Transcript
6.1 Examinations - General Information
6.2.1 University Regulations Concerning Final Examinations
6.2.3 Reassessments and Rereads
7 Internships, Exchanges and Study at other Institutions
7.1 Internships and Co-op Programs
7.4 Canadian University Study Abroad Program (CUSAP)
7.6 Quebec Government Ministry of Education Travel Awards for Quebec Residents
7.7 Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement (IUT)
8 Scholarships and Financial Aid
8.1 Awards to McGill Students in Course
10 Professional and Graduate Studies
10.1 Language Requirements for Professions
11.1 Office of the Dean of Students
11.2 Student Services - Downtown Campus
11.3 Student Services - Macdonald Campus
11.4 Extra-Curricular Activities
11.5 Ombudsperson for Students
12.1 University Residences - Downtown
12.1.1 Dormitory-style residences
12.1.2 Apartment-style residences
12.1.3 Shared-facilities houses
12.2 University Residences - Macdonald Campus
12.2.1 Residence Fees - Macdonald Campus
12.2.2 Application for Residence - Macdonald Campus
12.2.3 Residence Occupancy - Macdonald Campus
12.2.4 Facilities for Non-Resident Students - Macdonald Campus
12.2.5 Student Parking - Macdonald Campus
13 Information Technology Resources
13.1.1 IST Customer Services (ICS)
13.1.2 Network and Communications Services (NCS)
13.1.5 Instructional Communications Centre
14 Resources for Study and Research
14.3.2 McCord Museum of Canadian History
14.3.3 Lyman Entomological Museum and Research Laboratory
14.3.4 Other Historical Collections
- Faculty of Arts, Including School of Social Work
1.3 Programs and Teaching in Arts
2 Faculty Admission Requirements
3.1 Minimum Credit Requirement
3.3 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
3.4 Time Limit for Completion of the Degree
3.6.2 Courses outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science
3.6.3 Transfer Credit Policy for Courses Taken Outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science
3.6.4 Courses Taken Under the Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory Option
3.6.5 Courses in English as a Second Language
5.2.1 Registration for First-Year Seminars
5.2.2 Registration in Multi-Term Courses
5.3 Registration for Graduation
10 Awards and Honourary Designations
10.1 Honours and First-Class Honours
10.2 Distinction and Great Distinction
12.2.1 Arts Educational Technology (ARET)
12.3 Faculty of Arts Internship Program
12.4 African Studies Program (AFRI)
12.6 Art History and Communication Studies (ARTH and ENGC)
12.7 Canadian Ethnic Studies Minor Concentration
12.8 Canadian Studies Program (CANS)
12.9 Catholic Studies Program (CATH)
12.11 Minor in Cognitive Science
12.13 East Asian Studies (EAST)
12.15 Education for Arts Students Minor Concentration
12.16 Educational Psychology Minor Concentration
12.18 English as a Second Language (ESLN)
12.19 English for Academic Purposes (EFRL)
12.21 French as a Second Language (FRSL)
12.22 French Language and Literature (FREN)
12.27 History and Philosophy of Science (HPSC)
12.28 Humanistic Studies (HMST)
12.29 Industrial Relations Faculty Program
12.30 International Development Studies (INTD)
12.34 Latin-American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)
12.36 Mathematics and Statistics (MATH)
12.37 Middle East Studies Program (MEST)
12.39 North American Studies Program (NAST)
12.41 Philosophy and Western Religions (PHWR)
12.42 Political Science (POLI)
12.44 Quebec Studies/Études sur le Québec (QCST)
12.45 Religious Studies (RELG)
12.46 Russian and Slavic Studies (RUSS)
12.47 Science for Arts Students
12.48 Social Studies of Medicine (SSMD)
- Bachelor of Arts and Science
1.3 Programs and Teaching in Arts and in Science
2 Degree Admission Requirements
3.1 Minimum Credit Requirement
3.3 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
3.4 Time Limit for Completion of the Degree
3.6.2 Courses outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science
3.6.3 Courses Taken Under the Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory Option
3.6.4 Courses in English as a Second Language
5.2.1 Registration for First-Year Seminars
5.2.2 Registration in Multi-Term Courses
5.2.3 Registration for Graduation
9.1 Satisfactory/Interim Satisfactory Standing
9.2 Probationary/Interim Probationary Standing
9.3 Unsatisfactory Readmitted Standing
9.4 Unsatisfactory/Interim Unsatisfactory Standing
10 Awards and Honourary Designations
10.1 Honours and First-Class Honours
10.2 Distinction and Great Distinction
11.5 Minor Concentrations or Minors
11.6.1 Required Integrative Course
11.6.2 Complementary Integrative Course
12.1 Required Integrative Course for B.A. & Sc.
12.2 Programs in Arts or in Science
12.7 Earth, Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences
2.1 Undergraduate Education Programs
2.1.2 Quebec Teacher Certification
2.1.3 General Admission Requirements - Undergraduate Programs
2.1.4 Additional Admission Requirements
2.1.7 Advanced Standing/Transfer Credits
2.2 Programs of Professional Development
2.3 Programs for First Nations and Inuit
3 Faculty Regulations Undergraduate Programs
3.3 Student Teaching/Field Experience
3.7 Undergraduate Program Awards
4 Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
4.1 Programs of Professional Development
5 Department of Integrated Studies in Education
5.1 Bachelor of Education Programs
5.1.1 Bachelor of Education Secondary Program
5.1.2 Concurrent Bachelor of Education in Music and Bachelor of Music (Music Education) Program
5.1.4 Bachelor of Education Kindergarten and Elementary Program
5.1.5 Programme intensif de français Elementary Option
5.1.6 Bachelor of Education Kindergarten and Elementary Program (Jewish Studies Option)
5.1.7 Baccalauréat en enseignement du français langue seconde
5.1.8 Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language
5.2 Programs for First Nations and Inuit
5.2.1 Certificate in Education for First Nations and Inuit
5.2.2 Certificate in Aboriginal Literacy Education
5.2.3 Certificate in Middle School Education in Aboriginal Communities
5.2.4 Certificate in First Nations and Inuit Educational Leadership
5.2.5 Bachelor of Education for Certified Teachers (Elementary Education)
5.2.6 Certificate in Aboriginal Education for Certified Teachers
5.2.7 Certificate in First Nations and Inuit Student Personnel Services
6 Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education
6.1 Bachelor of Education Programs
6.1.1 Bachelor of Education Physical Education
6.1.2 Bachelor of Education Physical and Health Education
6.1.3 Bachelor of Education Kinesiology
6.2 Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology)
7 Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
- Faculty of Engineering, including Schools of Architecture and Urban Planning
1.5 Special Facilities and Related Programs
1.5.1 Engineering Microcomputing Facility
1.5.3 Department of Biomedical Engineering
2.4 Advanced Credit Examinations
2.5.1 Registration for Continuing Education Courses
2.8 Scholarships and Bursaries
2.9 IYES: Internship Year for Engineering and Science
2.10 Calculators in Faculty Tests and Examinations
3.1.2 Basic Science Requirements for Students Entering from Outside Quebec
3.1.3 Architecture - Basic Science Requirements for Students Entering from Outside Quebec
3.2 Degrees and Requirements for Professional Registration
3.3 Prerequisites and/or Corequisites
3.5.2 Incomplete Course Deadlines
3.5.3 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option
3.5.5 Grade Point Averages and Extra Courses
3.5.6 Academic Standing Decisions
3.5.8 Reassessment and Reread of a Grade
3.5.10 Supplemental Examinations
4.2 Department of Chemical Engineering
4.3 Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics
4.4 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Entry into the Honours Program
4.5 Department of Mechanical Engineering
4.6 Department of Mining, Metals and Materials Engineering
5 Minor Programs and Choice of Electives or Complementary Courses
5.3 Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Minor
5.4 Computer Science Courses and Minor Program
5.5 Construction Engineering and Management Minor
5.7 Environmental Engineering Minor
5.9 Management Courses and Minor Program
5.10 Materials Engineering Minor
5.13 Technological Entrepreneurship Minor
5.14 Software Engineering Minor
2.1 Aims of the B.Com. Program
2.4 International Student Exchange Program
2.6 Scholarships, Prizes and Medals
2.7 Management Undergraduate Society
3.1 Academic Requirements for Graduation
3.8 Verification of Grades and Rereads
4.1 Stream I, General Management
4.2 Stream II, with Major or with Honours
4.3 Stream III, Faculty Program in International Management
5.1 90-credit Program, Core Course Distribution
5.2 120-credit Program, Core and Freshman Course Distribution
5.3 Transfer Credit and Advanced Standing
6.2 Entrepreneurship Concentration
6.4 Information Systems Concentration
6.5 International Business Concentration
6.6 Labour-Management Relations Concentration
6.7 Management Science Concentration
6.9 Operations Management Concentration
6.10 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Concentration
6.11 Strategic Management Concentration
8.1 Major in Economics for Management Students
8.3 Major in Information Systems
8.4 Major in Labour-Management Relations
8.6 Major in Mathematics for Management Students
8.7 Major in Psychology for Management Students
9.2 Honours in Economics for Management Students
9.3 Joint Honours in Economics and Accounting
9.4 Joint Honours in Economics and Finance
10 Faculty Program in International Management
10.1 Latin American and Caribbean Studies
10.3.5 Complementary Courses Open to All Students in the Western European Studies Focus
3.1 Degrees and Diplomas Offered
3.3 Scholarships and Financial Aid
3.5 Music Credit Options for Students in Other Faculties
4.2 Music Entrance Requirements
4.3 Academic Entrance Requirements
4.5 Music Placement Examinations
4.6 Keyboard Proficiency Test (MUSP 170)
6.1 Ensemble Policy and Regulations
6.6 Arts and Science Electives
6.12 Re-Reading of Examinations
6.15 Graduation with Distinction
7.1 Four-Year Program (Prerequisite Courses)
7.2.1 B.Mus. with a Major in Composition
7.2.2 B.Mus. with Honours in Composition
7.2.3 B.Mus. with Honours in Music Technology
7.2.4 B.Mus. with a Major in Music History
7.2.5 B.Mus. with Honours in Music History
7.2.6 B.Mus. with a Major in Theory
7.2.7 B.Mus. with Honours in Theory
7.2.9 Special Prerequisite Courses for M.Mus. in Sound Recording
7.2.10 Minor in Music History for Performers
7.2.11 Minor in Music Technology
7.3.1 B.Mus. with a Major In Performance (Piano)
7.3.2 B.Mus. with a Major In Performance (Organ, Harpsichord, Guitar, Baroque Instruments)
7.3.5 B.Mus. with a Major in Performance (Voice)
7.3.6 B.Mus. with a Major In Performance (Orchestral Instruments)
7.3.7 B.Mus. with Honours in Performance (Voice)
7.3.8 B.Mus. with Honours in Performance (Piano)
7.3.9 B.Mus. with Honours in Performance (All Instruments except Piano and Voice)
7.3.10 B.Mus. with a Major in Performance (Church Music)
7.3.14 Licentiate in Music (L.Mus.) (Piano)
7.3.15 Licentiate in Music (L.Mus.) (Voice and all Instruments except Piano)
7.3.17 Artist Diploma (All Instruments)
7.3.18 Special Prerequisite Courses for M.Mus. in Performance
7.5 B.Mus./B.Ed. Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education Concurrent Program
8.1 Practical Assignments and Lessons
8.1.3 Credit Weights for Practical Study
8.2 Examinations and Goals in Practical Subjects
8.3.1 Withdrawal from Practical Examinations
- Faculty of Religious Studies
1.6 Numata Visiting Professor in Buddhist Studies
2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Religious Studies
4 Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)
4.2.1 Mature Student Admissions Policy
4.4 Applying to the B.Th. Program
4.12 Academic Standing and Course Loads
4.15 Bachelor of Theology Program Requirements
- Faculty of Science, including School of Computer Science
1.2 Faculty Administrative Officers
1.3 Programs and Teaching in Science
2 Faculty Admission Requirements
3.1 Minimum Credit Requirement
3.3 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
3.4 Time Limit for the Completion of the Degree
3.5.1 Freshman Program and Basic Science Requirements
3.5.2 Faculty, Major, and Honours Programs
3.5.3 Minor and Minor Concentration Programs
3.5.5 Concurrent B.Sc./B.Ed. Program
3.5.6 Internship Program for Engineering and Science (IYES)
3.5.7 McGill School of Environment
3.5.8 Bachelor of Software Engineering and B.Sc. in Software Engineering
3.6.3 Courses outside the Faculties of Arts and Science
3.6.4 Courses taken under the Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory Option
3.6.5 Courses in English as a Second Language (ESL)
5.2.1 Registration for First-Year Seminars
5.3 Registration for Graduation
10 Awards and Honourary Designations
10.1 Honours and First-Class Honours
10.2 Distinction or Great Distinction
11.7 Concurrent B.Sc/B.Ed. Program (Science for Teachers)
11.8 Bachelor of Arts and Science
11.9 Internship Programs - Internship Year for Engineering and Science (IYES)
11.10 Faculty of Arts Major and Minor Concentration Programs Available to Science Students
12.1 Anatomy and Cell Biology (ANAT)
12.2 Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC)
12.9 Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPSC)
12.11 Experimental Medicine (EXMD)
12.13 Immunology Interdepartmental Honours
12.14 Kinesiology for Science Students
12.15 Management Minor Program
12.16 Mathematics and Statistics (MATH)
12.17 Microbiology and Immunology (MIMM)
12.19 Neurology and Neurosurgery (NEUR)
12.23 Pharmacology and Therapeutics (PHAR)
12.29 Technological Entrepreneurship for Science Students
1.3 Programs and Academic Units
1.3.1 Internship Opportunities and Co-op Experience
1.4 Macdonald Campus Facilities
2 Summary of Academic Programs
2.1 Outline of Academic Programs
2.2 Environmental Sciences Programs
3 Application and Admission Requirements
4.2 Macdonald Campus Residences
4.3 Extracurricular Activities
4.4 Student Conduct and Discipline
4.6 Immunization for Dietetics Majors
4.7 Language Requirement for Professions
5 Faculty Information and Regulations
5.3 Minimum Credit Requirement
5.6.1 Reassessments and Rereads
5.9 Regulations re Second Academic Programs
5.11 Course Change Information
5.12 Graduate Courses Available to Undergraduates
5.13 Attendance and Conduct in Class
5.15 Distinction or Great Distinction
6.1 Department of Agricultural Economics
6.2 Department of Animal Science
6.3 Department of Bioresource Engineering
6.4 School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition
6.5 Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
6.7 Department of Natural Resource Sciences
6.8 Department of Plant Science
8 Farm Management and Technology Program
8.2 Entrance Requirements - FMT
8.5 Academic Rules and Regulations - FMT
8.5.2 Last Day for Withdrawal or Course Additions
8.5.4 Handbook on Student Rights and Responsibilities
8.5.5 Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement
8.7 Residence Accommodation - FMT
- McGill School of Environment
2 Admission, Registration and Regulations
2.3 Important Information about Program Selection
2.4 Course Numbering System at McGill
2.6 Courses outside the Student's Faculty
4.1 Minor Concentration in Environment
5 B.A. Faculty Program in Environment
5.1 Ecological Determinants of Health in Society Domain
5.2 Economics and the Earth's Environment Domain
5.3 Environment and Development Domain
6 Major in Environment - B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.) and B.Sc.
6.1 Biodiversity and Conservation Domain
6.2 Ecological Determinants of Health Domain
6.4 Food Production and Environment Domain
6.5 Land Surface Processes and Environmental Change Domain
6.6 Renewable Resource Management Domain
6.7 Water Environments and Ecosystems Domain
7 Major in Environment - B.Sc.
7.1 Atmospheric Environment and Air Quality Domain
7.2 Earth Sciences and Economics Domain
9.1 African Field Study Semester
9.2 Barbados Field Study Semester
9.3 Panama Field Study Semester
9.4 Macdonald Campus Summer Field Study Human Impacts on the Environment
- Course Information and Regulations