Graduate Fellowships and Awards 2005/06
8 Exchange and Travelling Fellowships
Information on funding opportunities for graduate study and research outside of Canada is contained in many of the reference books and directories listed in "Reference Books". One of the most comprehensive publications is UNESCO's "Study Abroad", available for consultation at the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office, Fellowships and Awards Section, the McLennan Library and many national libraries around the world.
Embassies, consulates and commissions of foreign countries located in Canada also are excellent sources of information on funding opportunities for students intending to study abroad. Addresses and telephone numbers of all diplomatic representatives in Canada can be obtained from the Department of External Affairs in Ottawa at (613) 996-4376. For McGill students seeking funding for graduate study outside Canada, the graduate awards offices of foreign universities themselves are often the best source of information. The McLennan Library has a vast collection of foreign university catalogues. The French embassy in Ottawa has a complete Web site on France-Canada exchange programs at under "l'aide-mémoire des échanges scientifiques franco-canadiens".
McGill University has signed a number of agreements with universities in other countries, many of which include a student exchange component. As a member of the Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities (CREPUQ), McGill also participates in a number of student exchange programs with designated universities in the United States and Europe. Further information on such programs may be obtained from the Student Exchange Officer, Admissions, Recruitment and Registrar's Office, James Building Annex, McGill University. Tel: (514) 398-8342.
SPIN Database by InfoEd International: McGill University subscribes to the SPIN database for sources of research funding. Please refer to "Funding Information on the Web".
Alma Mater Student Travel GrantEligibility:The Alma Mater Student Fund, administered by the GPSO, will provide support for McGill graduate students in any discipline to travel to attend a scholarly meeting or conference where they will be presenting a paper relating to their graduate research. Support for this program comes from three sources: the Alma Mater Fund of McGill University, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) in the case of students in the social sciences and humanities, and the Post-Graduate Student Society (PGSS). Additional funding may also come from NSERC and SSHRC residual postgraduate scholarship funds, depending on availability.Value:Awards from $250 to $1,000.Deadlines:September 15, January 15 and May 15 of each year.Application:Further details and application forms are available on the Web at under Fellowships and Awards, or from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.Bourse Paul BlancOffered alternately each year to a Canadian student from McGill or the Université de Montréal for graduate study at the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland and to a Swiss student from the Université de Lausanne for postgraduate study in Montreal. All things being equal, the fellowship will be offered to a student in science. Research subsidies are also available.
Value:15,000 Swiss francs, annually (approximately $12,500 Canadian).Deadline:January 31.Application:Further information and application forms are available on the Website at: www.S-A-V.orgSociété académique Vaudoise, 1, avenue de Montbenon, case postale 7490, 1002 Lausanne, Switzerland
E-mail: secretariat@S-A-V.orgOFA # 206Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) - National Fellowships ProgramAUCC administers several fellowship competitions and exchanges for graduate study. Those currently available are listed below. In most cases, candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada for at least one year prior to application. Information concerning eligibility, tenure, as well as application forms available from the Canadian Awards program, Awards Division, Association of Universities and Colleges (AUCC), 350 Albert Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B1. Tel: (613) 563-1236,
Canada-Taiwan Scholarships ProgramBritish Chevening ScholarshipsEligibility:For Canadians studying at a university in the UK. Scholarships last up to one year and are typically granted for Masters degree courses. It is highly unusual for the committee to approve an award for PhD studies. It is open to candidates in the following fields of study: Political Science, Law and International Relations, Media, Economics and International Development.Value:Most awards will cover only university tuition fees, which vary according to the institution. In these cases, living costs and international airfares are not included. In exceptional circumstances the committee may award a full scholarship.Deadline:January 15.Application:Information regarding specific application requirements and application forms online at: or from the British Council, 80 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5K7.
Tel: (613) 237 1530
Website: # 86Cambridge Canadian Trust - Graduate ScholarshipsThe Cambridge Canadian Trust offers a number of scholarships each year to Canadian graduates for graduate study at the University of Cambridge. These include: Ph.D. scholarships (Canada Cambridge Scholarships, First Canadian Donner Foundation Research Cambridge Scholarships, Kenneth Sutherland Memorial Cambridge Scholarship, UK Commonwealth (Cambridge) Scholarships, William & Margaret Brown Cambridge Scholarship, Tidmarsh Cambridge Scholarship), graduate Law scholarships (CIALS Cambridge Scholarships, Pegasus Cambridge Scholarships), and scholarships for one-year postgraduate courses of study (UK Commonwealth (Cambridge) Scholarships). The Cambridge site reminds incoming Canadian PhD students to also apply for the ORS (Overseas Research Student awards), which pay the difference between Home and Overseas fees.
Eligibility:Canadian citizens for graduate study in various fields at Cambridge University.Value:Scholarships cover tuition fees and/or airfare and/or a living allowance.Deadlines:Vary depending on programme, but to be eligible for the ORS, your completed academic application must reach the university by December 31.Application:For more information, see the Cambridge University graduate funding site for Canadians ( The Cambridge homepage is Information regarding specific application requirements and application forms are available from the Cambridge Canadian Trust, Suite 203, 4 Beechwood Ave., Ottawa, Ontario K1L 8L9. Tel: (613) 744 6166 or the University of Cambridge, Board of Graduate Studies, 4 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RZ, U.K. # 92Canada-United States Fulbright Scholarships for Graduate StudentsProposed projects must comply with the Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program goal of broadening research efforts in the wide range of subjects pertaining to the relationship between Canada and the United States.
Eligibility:Canadian or American citizen with student status. Graduate students must be already accepted at a university in the host country. If a student has a proposed research project for a duration of nine months that cannot be conducted in the host country, then the student can receive funding, provided he/she is enrolled at a university in his/her home country.Value:Fulbright scholarships are granted for periods of nine months. The award is a fixed sum US$15,000 for one nine-month academic year beginning in September. Grantees are expected to use the award to cover necessary expenses such as housing, travel, school fees and other academic expenditures. Basic health insurance is also provided, along with visa services.Deadline:November 15 for Canadian applicants, October 25 for
Forms for Canadian students available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section or from: The Canada US Fulbright Program, 350 Albert Street, Ste. 2015, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1A4. Tel: (613) 237 5366.
E-mail: info@
Forms for American students available from: Institute of
International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY, 10017 3580.OFA # 96Canadian Bureau For International Education (Cbie) ScholarshipsEligibility:The CBIE offers a number of support programs that target international development issues, both for Canadians and international students. Scholarship, internship and professional development opportunities are available. The programs supported by the CBIE are: CBIE Grants, CYETA Africa, Bombardier Fellowship (see entry in this section under J. Armand Bombardier Internationalist Fellowships), International Student of the Year Award, Lucent Global Science Scholars, and the Youth Internship Program. The CIDA Awards Program for Canadians, formerly administered by the CBIE on behalf of the Canadian International Development Agency, ended on March 31, 2004. No further competitions are envisaged.Value:Variable, depending on the program.
Deadline:Variable, depending on the program.
Applications:See the Scholarships page on the CBIE Website at: CBIE homepage is and is navigable in French or English.Canadian Bureau for International Education, 220 Laurier Ave. West, Suite 1550, Ottawa, ON K1P 5Z9, Canada. Telephone: (613) 237-4820, Fax: (613) 237-1073E-mail: info@cbie.caOFA # 23J. Armand Bombardier Internationalist FellowshipsThe J. Armand Bombardier Internationalist Fellowships Program is unique in responding to the need of Canadians to develop their international awareness, its openness to all countries and all disciplines, as well as its objective to increase Canada's participation in the world economy. Applicants to the program show promise of becoming Canada's leaders of tomorrow in their chosen field of endeavour.
Eligibility:Open to Canadians and permanent residents of Canada who hold at least one university degree, or are in the final year of a degree program. The latest degree must have been awarded no longer than five years from the date of application. Applicants must have achieved high academic standing. Recipients of the predecessor program, Celanese Canada internationalist Fellowships, are not eligible to apply again. Fellowships are intended for study in formal postsecondary programs abroad. Consisting of taught courses, lectures or seminars, the international study program may also be combined with a period of research or work (internship). The program abroad must be of one academic year (a minimum of eight consecutive months) including at least four months of taught courses. It may be undertaken anywhere in the world outside Canada and may include more than one location.Value:$10,000 per year.
Deadline:March 1 to CBIE (confirm with GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section - the deadline may change in future competitions).Application:Available from the Canadian Bureau for International
Education, 220 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1100, Ottawa,
Ontario K1P 5Z9. Tel: (613) 237 4820
Website: www.cbie.caOFA # 38Commander C. Bellairs Graduate FellowshipsEligibility:Tenable at the Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University, St. James, Barbados (specializing in marine biology, marine ecology, geography, geology, behavioural ecology and other fields). Candidates should be registered full-time in graduate studies at McGill and may apply at any point in their research program for a fellowship to allow them to work at Bellairs.Value:Up to $10,000 per year, plus travel expense for graduate level, and up to $20,000 per year for postdoctoral level.Deadline:Check availability with the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.Application:The fellowship is not being offered until further notice.OFA # 125Commonwealth Scholarships for Graduate StudiesEligibility:The Commonwealth countries of India, Jamaica, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand,Trinidad & Tobago, and the United Kingdom offer scholarships to Canadian citizens and, in certain cases, to permanent residents of Canada, for graduate studies (Master's or Ph.D.) or, in some countries, for research toward a Canadian graduate degree. The list of countries may change - see the website listed below for further details. Canadian citizens are eligible to apply for all programs. The Canadian Scholarship Selection Committee will only consider permanent residents of Canada who are graduates of a Canadian university. Permanent residents of the awarding country are not eligible. See the website for further eligibility restrictions and also restrictions specific to the host country where study is to be undertaken.Value:Awards normally cover airfare, tuition, a living allowance and, in certain cases, expenses related to medical coverage and the purchase of books. Awards usually have a duration of 1 year (Master's) or 3 years (PhD), though there may be exceptions.Deadline:Deadlines depend on the duration of the academic year in host countries. For the 2004 competition, the deadline for delivery of the application to the ICCS office was October 29th for all countries except New Zealand, which had a delivery deadline of December 24th. As the list of countries is subject to change, the deadlines will be variable from year to year as well - it is suggested that the website be monitored on a regular basis by interested applicants.Application:Information and application forms are available on the Web at: GPSO site can also be consulted: Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS), 75 Albert, S-908, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5E7. Tel: (613) 789 7828, Fax: (613)789 7830.
Website: www.iccs-ciec.caOFA # 49Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) - German Academic Exchange FellowshipsThe German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships to highly-qualified students for graduate study and/or research at universities or institutes in Germany.
Eligibility:McGill students may be eligible to apply for DAAD fellowships under three distinct programs: McGill/DAAD, Bourses Québec-Allemagne, and the Foreign Government Awards program run by ICCS.DAAD Fellowships (Annual Grants) are open to graduating seniors, graduate students and Ph.D. candidates under 33 years of age, enrolled full-time at time of application. Applicants must have a well-defined research project that makes a stay in Germany essential. They must also have adequate knowledge of the German language to carry out their proposed research.Value:Depending on the award holder's academic level, the DAAD will pay a monthly award of 715 Euro (graduates holding a first degree), 795 Euro (doctoral candidates) or 975 Euro (doctoral andidates with at least two years academic work experience), plus travel and luggage costs and a health insurance allowance.Application:Information and application forms are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section at, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) at, or from the Programme de bourses des gouvernements étrangers at Please note that only one application should be submitted.OFA # 306Dr. and Mrs. Milton Leong Fellowship for Study in ChinaEstablished in 1994 through a donation of Dr. Milton H.K. Leong, B.Sc.1966, M.D., C.M.1970 and Susanna Leong (Liang), B.Sc. 1969, M.Sc. 1973 to support academic exchanges between McGill and Chinese universities. Available to McGill graduate students in the Faculty of Science who study at Nankai, Peking and Tsinghua Universities.
Eligibility:Awarded by the GPSO on the recommendation of the Faculty of Science.Value:Up to $15,000; tenable in China for up to one year.Foreign Government AwardsThe Foreign Government Awards are intended to assist Canadian students in furthering their studies or conducting research abroad at the master's, doctoral or postdoctoral level. As part of the implementation of cultural agreements with the Government of Canada, the governments of Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Korea, Mexico, the Philippines, and Russia will offer awards to Canadian graduate students tenable in 2005-2006. These awards have been combined to form the Foreign Government Awards (FGA) Program, which is administered by the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS). The governments of Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and Spain also offer awards to Canadian students. However, the embassies of these countries in Canada are responsible for the administration of their scholarships. .
Eligibility:A common condition is that the applicant be a Canadian citizen and have completed a first degree.Value:Although all of the awards are similar in nature, the value of each award is determined by the offering country. Most awards cover travel to and from the host country, tuition and registration fees, and a monthly living allowance. Several awards also cover books, mandatory health and accident insurance and various other allowancesDeadline:Deadlines for submission of applications vary depending on whether the competitions are administered by the ICCS or by each of the Embassies in Canada. Please also note that the forms provided on the Web site can only be used for those competitions administered by the ICCS. Forms for those competitions directly administered by the Embassies in Canada of participating countries must be obtained from the relevant Embassy or Consulate. See the Website for Embassy contact information. ICCS-administered deadlines were either October 29th or January 28th, depending on the country. See this Websitee for more information on deadlines and submission information: and further information is best obtained on the Web at: Applications are to be submitted to the International Council for Canadian Studies, 75 Albert, S-908, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5E7. Tel: (613) 789 7828, or the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.OFA # 499GOVERNMENT OF ITALY SCHOLARSHIPSEligibility:The Government of Italy offers scholarships to Canadian citizens wishing to pursue studies in Italy. They are intended for students, professionals, teachers, and artists who meet the necessary requirements for enrolment in Italian post-secondary institutions (universities, academies, conservatories, art restoration institutes, National School of Cinematography, research centres or laboratories, libraries, archives, museums and other national or nationally-recognized institutions), and who would like to attend specialized courses or conduct research in specific fields. For Italian language study, the scholarships are awarded for specific programs at the Universities for Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Roma Tre or at other recognized institutions.The short-term scholarships consist of a three-month period to be used in the summer of 2005 and are reserved primarily for courses in Italian language and culture. Applicants must possess a high school diploma at the time they apply and must be 38 years of age or younger.Italian language and culture courses of a one-month period are reserved for Italian language teachers to whom no age limit applies, and for 3rd year University students in the Italian Studies Department.The long-term scholarships consist of a nine to a twelve-month period, (depending on the length of the course) beginning in autumn 2004. They are awarded for specific research or specialised courses at public post-secondary institutions in any area of study. All courses of study must be undertaken at Government approved educational institutions. Applicants for the long-term scholarships interested in undergraduate research or study must possess a high school diploma entitling the applicant to enrol in university; for those wishing to study or conduct research at the post-graduate level, the minimum requirement is a Master's degree. Applicants must be 38 years of age or younger.Value:Scholarships offered by the Italian Government do not include air fare and room and board.Please note that scholarship recipients must make their own travel and lodging arrangements.Any partial or total exemption from university fees for scholarship recipients is the decision of the individual university institution; no exemptions are granted by private institutions.Deadline:March 26
Application:See the Italian Embassy website: Guidelines for application, program description and further information are available in English, French or Italian. The Italian Consulate in Montreal is located at 3489 avenue Drummond, Montreal, QC, H3G 1X6. Tel: (514) 849-8351, Fax: (514) 499-9471
E-mail: cgi@italconsul.montreal.qc.caOFA # 504Graduate Student Research Support In The Social Sciences And HumanitiesEligibility:Limited funds are available from the Office of the Vice-Principal (Research) for the support of graduate student research in the social sciences and humanities. This may include thesis research conducted at a site remote from McGill. This program will not cover typing or reproduction of theses, equipment, computer time and supplies.Value:Awards up to $5,000.
Deadlines:April 17, October 17, January 16 (If deadline falls on a weekend or public holiday, the next working day applies)Application:Further details and application forms are available from McGill University, Research Grants Office, James Administration Building, Room 429. Tel: (514) 398-3790 or
Website: AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (IDB) SCHOLARSHIPSEligibility:The IDB administers two scholarship programs: the Japan Scholarship Program for graduate students in development-related fields, and scholarships to attend social development courses offered by INDES. Candidates must be a national of one of IDB borrowing member countries. For the Japan Scholarship Program, candidates must hold a a bachelor's degree or its equivalent in the social sciences, business or public administration, or another development-related technical discipline,, have a superior academic record, at least 2 years work experience in a development field, and be currently enrolled in a Master's degree program in the social sciences, business or public administration, or another development-related technical discipline (except law and medicine), in a university of a member country other than the country of origin or residence. Applicants must intend to return to their home country after completion of study and work for at least two years in order to apply enhanced knowledge and skills toward helping accelerate economic and social development.The Japan-IDB Scholarship Program has the following three sub-programs: the Northern Hemisphere Program (at Universities located in the North America, Central America and Europe), the Southern Hemisphere Program (at Universities located in the South America countries), and the Special Program for Studies at Japanese Universities for students entering a Master's program, in English, at any university located in Japan.Value:INDES scholarships cover participation, required materials and texts, health and life insurance, a roundtrip airline ticket between the city of residence and Washington D.C., and lodgingTje Japan-IDB scholarship provides benefits covering full tuition, university medical and accident insurance, an installation allowance, a monthly subsistence allowance, a book allowance, and economy class travel. The scholarship is effective as of the start of the academic year and does not cover any expenses during the summer.Deadline:Varies depending on scholarship and sub-program. See the website below for more details.Application:Forms and additional information are available on the IDB's scholarship page: Bank's home page is and the site is navigable in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese.Headquarters:Inter-American Development Bank, Japan-IDB Scholarship Program, 1300 New York Avenue, NW, Stop W-404, Washington, D.C. 20577, United States of AmericaOFA # 51International Development Research Centre (Idrc) Fellowships And Research FundingEligibility:The IDRC administers a number of fellowships and funding opportunities for students conducting research in development-related discplines. As there are several programs targeting several different areas, students are advised to consult the IDRC website to see if such funding opportunities are applicable to their research. As the programs are related to development, many supoport research abroad. Those included here support some form of research outside of Canada or are available to international students from developing countries. Programs available to Canadians and permanent residents, as well as those that are more topic-based and do not necessarily include travel and research abroad are listed above, under the IDRC entry in the External Fellowships section (Section 3). Each of the programs supported by the IDRC is also available as targeted funding for students from developing countries. See the IDRC website listed below for more details."IDRC Doctoral Research Awards (IDRA)"
"Community Forestry: Trees and People - John G. Bene
Fellowship""Use of Fertility Enhancing Food, Forage and Cover Crops in
Sustainably Managed Agroecosystems: The Bentley
Fellowship""AGROPOLIS: International Graduate Research Awards in
Urban Agriculture"Value:Varies depending on the programme.
Deadline:Varies depending on the programme.
Application:Mailing address:PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1G 3H9
Street address: 250 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1P 6M1, Telephone: (613) 236-6163, Fax: (+1-613) 238-7230
E-mail: Website: www.idrc.caOFA # 1INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN (IFUW) INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIPSEligibility:. The International Federation of University Women offers a limited number of fellowships and grants to women graduates for advanced research, study and training. The competitions are normally held every two years. Competitions are open to nationals of all countries who are members of the IFUW. Women graduates can become IFUW members by joining one of the federations or associations of university women affiliated to IFUW, such as the Canadian Federation of University Women, or by becoming an independent member, if they live in a country without an IFUW affiliate. Fellowships are meant to encourage advanced scholarship and original research by university women. Applicants must be well started on the research programme to which the application refers. Fellowships are intended to cover at least eight months of work, and should be taken up within 9 months of the date of award. They are not normally given for a Masters or for the first year of a PhD programme. Fellowships and grants are for work in any branch of learning, in the country of the applicant's choice. All candidates must have obtained admission to the proposed place of study prior to applying to IFUW's competition. An official letter of acceptance must accompany the application. The awards provide a maximum of twelve months support and are not renewableValue:Varies depending on the specific fellowship for which one applies.Deadline:For the 2005/2006 competition, the application deadline for independent members and international individual members was 1 November. Deadlines for members applying through one of IFUW's 77 national affiliates vary by country, but will normally fall between 1 September and 1 October.Application:Information regarding the different fellowships as well as specific application requirements and application forms are available on the IFUW's Fellowships and Grants page at: The Federation's homepage is IFUW, 8 rue de l' Ancien Port 1201 Geneva, Switzerland. Tel: (+41 22) 731 23 80 E-mail:, or the Canadian Federation of University Women, 251 Bank Street, Suite 600 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1X3. Tel: (613) 234-8252, Fax: (613) 234-8221. E-mail: cfuw1@rogers.comOFA # 75Japan Foundation - Japanese Study Fellowship ProgramEligibility:The Japan Foundation offers three levels of support to Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents wishing to conduct research related to Japanese studies in Japan. Support is offered to scholars and researchers (between 2 and 12 months), doctoral students (between 2 and 14 months), and to those seeking to do intensive, short-term research such as data collection and interviews in Japan (21to 60 days). Proposals must be within the disciplines of the humanities and/or social sciences, and must be related in substantial part to Japan. Comparative research is acceptable. Proposals which do not fall within the scope of acceptable project areas, include: natural, medical or engineering sciences; undergraduate studies; Japanese-language studies and training in non-academic fields such as traditional culture, technology and commerce. In order to conduct research or pursue projects in Japan effectively, the co-operation of an affiliated institution or research associate is essential. Such affiliation must be demonstrated as part of the application (excluding Short-Term Researchers).Value:310,000 - 430,000 Japanese Yen monthly allowance, plus medical insurance, airfare, tuition fees and research allowance. Short-term researchers are entitled to airfare, a 17,000 Yen
daily stripend and a 5,000 Yen daily research allowance.Deadline:December 1, though applying earlier is encouraged.
Application:Residents of Ontario residing outside the National Capital Region should apply through The Japan Foundation, Toronto. Residents of the National Capital Region should apply through the Embassy of Japan, Ottawa. Applicants from provinces outside Ontario should contact the nearest diplomatic mission. For more information about programs, see the PDF available on the Japan Foundation's Website at: For application forms, see your local Japanese consulate (unless you live in Ontario, but not Ottawa), the Japan Foundation Toronto Office, 131 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1. Tel: (416) 966-1600, the Consulate General of Japan, 600 de la Gauchetière Street West, Suite 2120, Montreal, Quebec, H3B 4L8. Tel; (514) 866 3429.
E-mail: jftor@
Website: www.japanfoundationcanada.orgOFA # 219Japanese Government (Monbusho) ScholarshipsEligibility:Scholarships in most disciplines are offered each year to Canadian citizens who wish to pursue their graduate studies in any subject in Japan. Candidates must be under 35 years of age, have a university degree and be willing to study the Japanese language.Value:Travel and living allowances for up to two years are provided, plus tuition fees.Deadline:June, check with Consulate.Application:Forms are available from Consulate General of Japan, Monbusho Scholarships, 600 de la Gauchetière Street West, Suite 2120, Montreal, Quebec, H3B 4L8. Tel: (514) 866-3429.OFA # 218Macdonald Travelling ScholarshipEligibility:Founded by the will of the late Sir William Macdonald "for the purpose of enabling English speaking Law students to take a course of studies in France", the testator "deeming it of great importance that the English-speaking members of the legal profession should be proficient in the French language". The scholar selected is required to pursue a year's study in the Law faculty of a French University approved, in each case, by the Faculty. The award is made at the discretion of the Faculty to a student of the graduating class proceeding to the Bar, who has obtained First or high Second Class honours in the final examination, and who would be unable without such financial help to spend a year in France. The Faculty interprets the will of the late Sir William Macdonald as intending that the scholarship be awarded only to students preparing for the legal profession in the Province of Quebec. Under the present regulations the scholarship must be used in the year in which it is awarded.Value:$24,000.Deadline:May 1.Application:Candidates should apply to the Faculty of Law, Student Affairs Office.Mackenzie King Travelling ScholarshipsEligibility:Offered to a graduate of any Canadian university to engage in postgraduate studies in the U.S. or U.K in international or industrial relations (including international or industrial aspects of law, history, politics, economics). Applicants should be persons of unusual worth and promise. Awards are based on academic achievement, personal qualities and demonstrated aptitudes, as well as proposed program of study. McGill only considers undergraduate applicants with First Class Honours Standing (CGPA of 3.7 or higher) and graduate applicants with cumulative "straight A" records. Applicants to McGill who have graduated with a McGill undergraduate degree will automatically be considered for the Delta Upsilon and Peacock memorial scholarships.Value:Approximately four scholarships per year of up to $9,000. Value of the award is subject to change.Deadline:Normally February 1 to applicant's home university. Verify McGill's deadline with the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.Application:Application is made through the "home" university, i.e, the Canadian university from which the applicant has or will receive the most recent degree. Further information and application forms, consult the agency Website: To verify the application process and other procedural details, consult the McGill Graduate Studies Website: Mackenzie King Scholarships Competition Office, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of British Columbia, 235 2075 Westbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z1.OFA # 353Ministère de l'éducation du Québec (MEQ) - bourses d'études de 2e et 3e cycles à l'étrangerThe MEQ, in collaboration with the Ministère des affaires internationales, has concluded a number of study fellowships and tuition fee waivers with governments of the following countries or principalities: Germany, Andorra, Catalonia, China, Colombia, Communauté française de Belgique, the Flemish community of Belgium, Korea, Israel, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Tunisia, Vietnam.
Eligibility:Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents and must have resided in Quebec for the past year at least. Candidates must possess an undergraduate degree and be registered in a Master's or doctoral level program at a Quebec university at the time that the fellowship is granted. Candidates must also conform to the specific requirements of the particular program through which a fellowship is being sought, and in most cases be fluent in the language of the country were studies will be undertaken. in most cases be fluent in the language of the country were studies will be undertaken. The type of study eligible and the value and duration of these fellowships varies depending on the particular agreement. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to carefully consult the MEQ website listed below.Value:Normally covers travel and living expenses, for between one and twelve months. Some fellowships may be renewable.Deadline:Varies according the program.Application:Up to date information regarding specific application requirements is available on this Website: is also available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section and the Direction de la coopération, MEQ, Édifice Marie Guyart, 1035, rue de La Chevrotière, 19e étage, Québec (Québec) G1R 5A5. Tel: (418) 644 3235,OFA # 20Moyse Travelling ScholarshipsEligibility:Founded by the late Right Honourable Lord Atholstan, to commemorate the "splendid services of Dr. Charles E. Moyse, for forty-two years Professor of English, during sixteen of which he was Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Vice-Principal of the University". Two one-year scholarships are awarded. One scholarship will be awarded by the Faculty of Arts and the other by the Faculty of Science. In the absence of applicants of sufficient merit in either of the faculties, applicants from final years in other undergraduate faculties, or from graduate students may be considered. Holders must devote the year of tenure to advanced study, preferably in a British or European university, but not to the exclusion of other institutions approved by the Faculty of Arts or of Science. Applicants must be available for interviews during the first two weeks of May.Value:Arts & Science - $11,000.Deadline:April 1 at Office of Dean of Arts or Dean of Science.Application:For Arts, see; for Science, see: Further information on application procedures and forms are available from the Offices of the Deans of Arts and Science (see the Student Affairs Office at: Dawson Hall, Room 110, McGill University, 853 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T6, Tel.: 514-398-4210, Fax: 514-398-7185.Ontario-Québec Exchange FellowshipsEligibility:The Ontario-Quebec Exchange Fellowship Program allows students from Ontario to pursue full-time graduate studies at the master's or doctoral level at a university in Quebec. This program offers outstanding students from Ontario the opportunity to live and study in the cultural milieu of Quebec. The program is sponsored by the Ontario-Quebec Commission for Co-operation in accordance with the interprovincial Agreement for Co-operation and Exchange in Educational and Cultural Matters.Value:$10,000 per year for Master's; $12,000 for doctoral level. Renewable, but recipients must apply to have the fellowship renewed.Deadline:January 31.Application:Information and application materials available from the Ontario Quebec Exchange Fellowship Program Website at: The Website is also navigable in French - proceed form the homepage to the Other Bursaries, Fellowships, Grants, and Scholarships menu.Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Student Support, Fellowships, P.O. Box 4500, 189 Red River Road., 4th Floor, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 6G9. Tel: (807) 343 7257 (Toll-free: 1-800 465-3957)OFA # 399Ontario Graduate Scholarship ProgramEligibility:Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents, or holders of a student visa at the time of application, with at least an A- average in the last two years of study, for graduate studies (Master's or doctoral level) at an Ontario university.Value:Awarded for one academic year, which may consist of either two or three terms. Applicants receive $5,000 per term. Master's students are eligible to receive up to two OGS awards, doctoral students are eligible for up to five.Deadline:November 15.Application:There are different application procedures, depending on your status as an applicant currently enrolled as full-time or part-time students in an Ontario university; applicants who graduated from an Ontario university at any time between November 15, 2003, and November 15, 2004, and are not currently registered; and applicants who are not currently enrolled in an Ontario university. Read the "How to Apply" section of the OGS Website ( carefully. The Website is also navigable in French from the homepage,
Information and application forms available from the Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program, Student Support, Ministry of Education and Training. P.O. Box 4500, 189 Red River Road, 4th floor, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 6G9. Tel: (807) 343-7257 (Toll-free: 1-800-465-3957), # 398Organization of American States FellowshipsEligibility:Offered to Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents for graduate study and/or postdoctoral research in any field except the medical sciences and related areas, and introductory language studies,. They are tenable in any of the 33 OAS member countries, with the exception of the country where the candidate is a citizen or a permanent resident.Value:Academic Studies Fellowships may provide funds for university tuition and fees, international travel, health insurance, living expenses, and for the purchase of books or other study materials. These benefits will vary depending on the type of fellowship awarded. The OAS General Secretariat shall establish rates of allowances and ceiling of funds provided, taking into consideration the country of study. These are tenable for between 3 months and 2 years.Deadline:Application must be postmarked January 21 or hand delivered to the ICCS office by January 28.Applications:Application information is available online at: See the OAS Application form page at: Program Officer, International Council for Canadian Studies, 75 Albert, S-908, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5E7, Tel: (613) 789 7828. E mail: general, or the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section.OFA # 91Overseas Research Students (ORS) AwardsEligibility:800 to 850 awards are offered on a competitive basis to overseas students for a higher education degree at certain academic institutions in Britain. All fields of study are supported.Value:Each award covers the difference between the tuition fee for a British graduate student and the "full-cost" fee for an overseas graduate student. Awards are renewable twice and can, therefore, be held for a maximum of three years.Deadline:The application is available as of November 15th; deadline depends on the institution to which one applies.Application:Applications should be obtained from the Registry or Scholarships Office of the British academic institutions concerned. Information is available from the ORS Awards Scheme, Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London, U.K. WCIH 9HQ. E mail:, # 488Philip F. Vineberg Travelling Fellowship in the HumanitiesEstablished in 1988 by his family in memory of Philip F. Vineberg, O.C., Q.C., B.A., M.A., B.C.L., LL.D., former student, Professor and Emeritus Governor at McGill University, for a student graduating in a McGill degree program in arts, education, law, library science, music, religious studies or social work, toward one year of further studies in such disciplines at another university. Awarded to the student who best exemplifies the qualities of intelligence as demonstrated by academic record and creative thinking; breadth of interest, perspective and tolerance as demonstrated by cross cultural interests, desire to travel and record of service to others; excellence as demonstrated by a record of disciplined achievement and the promise of more to come.
Eligibility:The award will normally be made to a student in the final year of his or her undergraduate degree going into graduate studies in the next academic year, but exceptionally in cases of students completing graduate degrees and leaving McGill for further graduate or postgraduate studies elsewhere in the next academic year. Applicants who are offered substantial fellowship support from other external agencies may be prohibited from taking up the award.Value:Up to $14,500, plus commemorative medal.Deadline:Mid-March to early April, check with the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Section for precise deadlines, (for 2005, the deadline was April 1).Application:Forms and information are available from the GPSO Fellowships and Awards Website, fellowships. See specifically Right Honourable Paul Martin Scholarships To The University Of CambridgeEligibility:These scholarships will be awarded to outstanding students registered in the Bar Admission Course in their articling year or who will be graduating in law from a Canadian University.
Value:Scholarship is for one year, covering complete tuition fees, monthly maintenance allowance contribution, air transportation (return from residence in Canada).
Deadline:December 31
Application:For more information, contact the Canadian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, Scholarships Awards, 4 Beechwood Avenue, Suite 203, Ottawa, Ontario, K1L 8L9.
Student Exchange Programs - McGill University and the Conference of Rectors and Principals of the Universities of Québec (CREPUQ)Note:These are not award or fellowship programs, but may be of interest to students wishing to study abroad for up to one year.Purpose:These programs provide an opportunity for international education and all its benefits. Student participants remain registered at their home university (McGill), while attending a foreign campus. Currently, McGill University has over 100 bilateral student exchange agreements in 31 countries and more than 200 CREPUQ student exchange agreements in seven countries.Value:The fellowships provide between $750-$1000 per month to support study abroad for a maximum of 8 months.Information:See the MEQ Website: under Bourses pour des études à l'extérieur du Québec. At McGill, these programs are administered by the Student Exchange Officer, Admissions, Recruitment and Registrar's Office, James Building Annex, McGill University, Tel: (514) 398 3396. E-mail: ScholarshipsEligibility:Two scholarships are awarded annually to scholars from the Province of Quebec. These scholarships are tenable at the University of Oxford. They are granted for two years with the possibility of a third year. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or domiciled in Canada and be between 19 and 25 years of age, without dependents. Students in any faculty may apply.Value:At least £8,640 per year, which covers personal expenses and tuition.Deadline:Because graduate students may have to submit directly to the Secretary for the Rhodes Scholarships in the province to which you are applying, it would be wise to contact Michael Rankin early. Completed applications submitted directly to the Secretary were due October 22 for the 2004 competition.Application:For further details of the exact deadline, tenure,
eligibility, qualifications, and application forms apply to the Michael Rankin at the McGill Office of the Dean of Students, Brown Student Services Building, 3600 McTavish St., Suite 4100, Montreal QC H3A 1Y2. Tel: (514) 398-3825, Fax: (514) 398-3857.
E-mail: michael.rankin@mcgill.caOFA # 525Rotary Foundation ScholarshipsEligibility:The Rotary Club organization offers three levels of funding, entitled "Ambassadorial Scholarships": Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships provide funding for one academic year of study in another country; Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships are for two years of degree-oriented study in another country; Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships are for either three or six months of intensive language study and cultural immersion in another country. Applicants must have completed at least two years of college-level coursework or equivalent professional experience before commencing their scholarship studies. Applicants for Academic-Year and Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships must be proficient in the language of the proposed host country.Value:Depends on the award program, but the most common scholarship, the Academic-Year Ambassadorial, is intended to help cover round-trip transportation, tuition, fees, room and board expenses, and some educational supplies up to US$26,000 or its equivalentDeadline:Are set by the individual sponsoring club (usually between March and July).Application:Deadline and scholarship availability varies depending on the local to which one applies. To find your local, see their club locator at: Applications must be made through a Rotary Club in the area of the applicant's permanent residence or place of employment.
Information on the scholarship programs as well as application information and suggested locations of tenure, are available at: # 212Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute - Fellowships CompetitionEligibility:Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents and possess a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The fellowships are to be used by students to enroll in an Indian institution of higher learning, to work towards a graduate degree or by students enrolled in graduate programs at Canadian institutions to conduct research on India towards a graduate degree (such students must affiliate with an Indian institution during the period of the grant). All awards are subject to approval by the Government of India. All awardees must be affiliated with an Indian
institution. The Government of India does not permit research in strategic areas or on sensitive regional, political and social themes.Value:India Studies Fellowships provide a monthly living allowance of Rs 16,000 a monthly research stipend of Rs 4,000 and return airfare to India.Deadline:June 30 (January 31 for Language Fellowships).Application:For further information regarding competitions and applications, see the India Studies Fellowship webpage at:
Information regarding application requirements and application forms is also available from the Programme Officer, India Studies, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Room 1402, Education Tower, 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4. Phone: (403) 220-7467, Fax: (403) 289-0100. E-mail: sici@ucalgary.caOFA # 88Thomas Shearer Stewart Travelling FellowshipEligibility:The fellowship was established in 1967 by the family of the late Thomas Shearer Stewart, Q.C. a graduate of the Faculty of Law class of 1908 and is granted to a recent graduate of the Faculty of Law designated by the Dean of the Faculty. Preference is given to a graduate who is a Canadian citizen intending to reside in Canada upon completion of studies.Value:$12,000, awarded at the discretion of the Faculty of Law.Deadline:May 1.Application:Further in formation is available from the Student Affairs Office, Faculty of Law.
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