Health Sciences
2013–2014 University Calendar

5 Faculty of Dentistry : 5.6 Promotion : 5.6.3 Grade Point Average (GPA)

The Faculty of Dentistry has adopted a grade point average system similar to the one used by the undergraduate faculties. Official transcripts will show the letter grade and the class average for each course offered by the Faculty of Dentistry.
Listed below are the letter grades and their grade point equivalents:
Letter grades are assigned grade points according to the table above. A student's academic standing will be determined on the basis of a grade point average (GPA), which is calculated by dividing the sum of the course credit times the grade points by the total course GPA credits.
GPA credits are the credits of courses with grades that are assigned grade points.
Σ (course credit x grade points)
Σ (GPA course credits)
The term grade point average (TGPA) will be the GPA for a given term calculated using all the applicable courses at the same level in that term. The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) will be the GPA calculated using the student's entire record of applicable courses at McGill at the same level; if the level is changed, e.g., from undergraduate to graduate, the CGPA starts again.

Changes are made after the publishing of this Calendar. Always check Class Schedule for the most up-to-date information. This includes class times, locations and instructors.

Note: “you” refers to students newly admitted, readmitted or returning to McGill.

Use the Course Search for descriptions of all courses and the term when they are offered. Search for courses using specific keywords in the free-form field. Note: not all courses listed here are offered every term or year.