Health Sciences
2013–2014 University Calendar

7 Faculty of Medicine : 7.3 Programs of Study, Admission and Curriculum : 7.3.4 Standard Requirements for Undergraduate Medical Programs : Requirements for Med-P
Applicants must be recognized residents of Quebec and meet the following conditions:
(a) must not have been enrolled in a university program;
(b) must, from the onset of collegial studies (*1), be enrolled in only one of these following programs:
(c) must be in the final year and obtain (by July 31 of the entering year) a Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) in one of the stated programs;
(d) must not have extended the length of their program for reasons of personal choice (*2);
(e) must have a minimum of six courses (13.33 credits) in each regular semester (*2);
(f) must not have taken any of the prerequisite courses listed below in a context outside of a regular semester (*2);
(g) must have completed the following courses and successfully achieved the competency codes:
For the Science (200.xx) program:
Students in the Sciences, Lettres et Arts (700.A0) program must obtain the Biology objectives of 01Y5 and 01YJ (along with all other program requirements) and should complement their program with Chemistry 01YH and at least one of Physics 01YF or 01YG in order for their application to be considered. Students who are missing any prerequisites based on the list above may be asked to complete them during the preparatory year.
Students in the IB-DEC (200.10) program must complete (along with all other program requirements) a minimum of two courses (5.33 credits) in Biology, three courses (8.00 credits) in Chemistry, including Organic Chemistry, two courses (5.33 credits) in Mathematics and one course (2.67 credits) in Physics in order for their application to be considered. Preference is given to those who most closely adhere to the list of prerequisites above. Those admitted into the program who are missing any prerequisites will be asked to complete them during the preparatory year.
For more information on these codes and their requirements, please contact your CEGEP academic advising office.
Students of the French Baccalaureate system
The Faculty accepts applicants from Collège international Marie de France and Collège Stanislas as part of this category under the following conditions:
(a) must be a recognized resident of Quebec;
(b) must be in the final year (année terminale) of the Séries S;
(c) must have attended the institution, at minimum, for 1ere année and année terminale in full;
(d) must not have extended the length of their program for reasons of personal choice (*1);
(e) must have an R score along with course attestation (provided by school).
(*1) Exception made for students entering a remedial program before their first DEC program.
(*2) Students enrolled in a Sport-études program may be exempted from these conditions. Such applicants must submit a special form (available from the website which describes in detail all relevant sport activities.

Changes are made after the publishing of this Calendar. Always check Class Schedule for the most up-to-date information. This includes class times, locations and instructors.

Note: “you” refers to students newly admitted, readmitted or returning to McGill.

Use the Course Search for descriptions of all courses and the term when they are offered. Search for courses using specific keywords in the free-form field. Note: not all courses listed here are offered every term or year.