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Undergraduate Scholarships Awards
2. Entrance Scholarships and Awards
2.1 General Information
McGill University has an extensive program of entrance awards to recognize and honour scholarship. Awards range in value from $3,000 renewable to $10,000 renewable and are based on outstanding academic achievement or a combination of outstanding academic achievement and leadership qualities. Finalists for the scholarships valued over $5,000 may be interviewed.
Students who meet the following eligibility conditions may apply for entrance awards:
· Students entering a university for the first time to undertake a full-time undergraduate degree program (transfer students are not eligible)· Students who are in the top 5% of their class based on the last two years of full-time studies.The admissions application package and the McGill Website provides detailed information on entrance awards including minimum academic requirements. Students wishing to be considered for awards must submit all supporting scholarship documents with the admission application by the appropriate admission application deadline. Students who submit these documents will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible. There are no separate applications for scholarships and students do not apply for individual scholarships.Applications for admission may be obtained from the Admissions, Recruitment and Registrar's Office, McGill University, 845 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, QC H3A 2T5 or from the McGill Website: www.mcgill.ca.
All scholarship applicants must include a student copy of their transcripts for the last two years of full-time studies with their scholarship application. Also, they should arrange for official copies of their transcripts to be received at the Admissions, Recruitment and Registrar's Office by March 1st. Transcripts for students who have applied through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre will be automatically transferred to McGill.
All renewable awards are tenable until completion of an
undergraduate degree, up to a maximum of four years, provided the criteria for renewal are met. Students must complete at least 27 credits (not including courses taken under the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option) in an undergraduate degree program at McGill during the regular academic year to be eligible for renewal. Summer courses are not considered. Students who are registered for only one term must complete 14 graded credits. The academic standing required for renewal is a 3.50 on the combined GPA for all courses taken during the fall and winter terms, except for Med-P students. Scholarships awarded to CEGEP
students entering the five-year medical program are renewable provided the recipient achieves Dean's Honour List standing (top 10%) at the end of the Med-P year in Science and at the end of each promotion period in Medicine.University students who are applying for admission to the faculties of Dentistry, Law, or Medicine should inquire at the faculty's admissions office regarding available funds.
2.2 Entrance Scholarships and Awards
Alma Mater ScholarshipsEstablished in 1982 by generous contributions to the Alma Mater Fund from many graduates who designated their gifts to the area of scholarships and student aid. Awarded to students with outstanding merit proceeding to degrees in any faculty. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.CHARLIE BAILLIE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2001 by the trustees of the Martlet Foundation to honour the exceptional commitment of Charlie Baillie as head coach of the McGill football team from 1979 to 2001. Available to students entering undergraduate degree programs on the basis of high academic standing and qualifying as candidates for the intercollegiate football team. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on the recommendation of the Martlet Foundation Scholarships Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000; renewable.SHEILA BAILLIE SCHOLARSHIPS IN ARCHITECTUREEstablished in 2001 by Gerald Hatch, B.Eng. 1944, and Sheila Baillie, B.Arch. 1946, in celebration of the 55th anniversary of the latter's graduation from the School of Architecture. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to outstanding students entering the B.Sc. (Arch.) program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and/or school activities.
Value: minimum $5,000 each; renewable.Sir Edward Beatty Memorial ScholarshipsEstablished in 1927 by the late Sir Edward Beatty, former Chancellor of the University. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to students entering the Faculty of Arts or Science and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Max Bell ScholarshipsEstablished in 2000 by the Max Bell Foundation of Calgary in memory of George Maxwell (Max) Bell (1912-1972), B.Com. 1932, Governor of McGill University from 1962-1971, businessman, oilman, newspaper publisher, sportsman and philanthropist. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid with a preference to students from Western Canada.
Value: minimum $5,000; renewable.BARRIE BIRKS MEMORIAL ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2003 by the Birks Family Foundation and gifts donated in memory of Barrie Birks, B.A. 1970, a distinguished business leader, former Governor of the University and Chairman of the Alma Mater Fund. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to an outstanding student entering a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Arts. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities.
Value: minimum $3,000; renewable.Henry Birks ScholarshipEstablished in 1986 by Henry Birks & Sons Limited. Awarded to a student entering the first year of the undergraduate program in Metals and Materials Engineering. The award is made solely on the basis of merit among entrants with outstanding academic achievement in their pre-university programs. Tenable for one year only and awarded to a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident with at least one year's residence in Canada. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on the recommendation of the Department of Mining, Metals and
Materials Engineering.
Value: $2,000.FRANK AND HELEN BOGERT ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 2001 by Frank G. Bogert, B.Eng. 1942, and Helen Bogert for outstanding students entering a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: minimum $2,000 each; renewable.Hugh M. Brock ScholarshipsEstablished in 1992 by a generous bequest from Hugh M. Brock, B.Sc.(Eng) 1928, for students entering any undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.TONY CHEUNG ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2003 by Tony Cheung for outstanding students entering the Faculty of Engineering. While academic standing is of primary importance, qualities of leadership in community and school activities will also be considered. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $5,000; renewable.Consumers Packaging Inc./Frank P. Jones Education AwardsOpen to children or wards of employees and retired employees of Consumers Packaging Inc. entering full-time degree programs at McGill University. Students who are admitted to the University may apply for $1,900 awards which are renewable provided satisfactory standing is maintained. Students who are admitted with an average of 80% or better may apply for $2,600 scholarships which are renewable provided that a sessional grade point average of at least 3.00 is maintained. In addition to the awards, recipients will be given travel allowances each year in the amount of $1,200 for those from British Columbia, $900 for those from the Atlantic provinces and $600 for those from Ontario. Applications must be submitted by June 1st. Further information and application forms may be obtained from the Canadian Awards Division, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 350 Albert Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, ON, K1R 1B1.
Value: $1,900 or $2,600 each.LINDSAY COOK SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2001 by Lindsay Cook, B.A. 1975, for an outstanding student entering any full-time undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $3,000; renewable.Mary Coppin Entrance ScholarshipsTwo scholarships, established in 2002 by Mary Coppin, B.A. 1937, for outstanding students entering a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Arts. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $3,000 and 5,000; renewable.MARY POWELL CULVER SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2002 by Mary P. Culver, B.Sc. 1947, for an outstanding student entering a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Science. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $3,000; renewable.D'ARCY M. DOHERTY SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 2001 by the Uplands Charitable Foundation in honour of D'Arcy M. Doherty, B.Com. 1931, for outstanding students entering any full-time undergraduate degree. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: minimum $2,000; renewable.George Herrick Duggan Memorial Scholarships (Dominion Bridge Corporation)Open to employees, and their children, of Dominion Bridge Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary companies. Awarded on the basis of high academic standing and renewable until completion of a first undergraduate degree provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the University Committee on Scholarship and Student Aid. Candidates should provide proof of eligibility to the Scholarships Office. If in a given year there are no applicants meeting all of the conditions for eligibility, the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid may consider other undergraduate students for these scholarships.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Grace Fairley Trafalgar ScholarshipFounded in 1913 by friends and former pupils of the late Miss Grace Fairley, to signalize her long and faithful service to education as head of the Trafalgar Institute. Tenable for one year only and awarded to a former graduate of Trafalgar School who obtains high marks for admission to any full-time undergraduate degree course.
Value: $1,500.Narcissa Farrand (Mrs. N. Pettes) ScholarshipsEstablished in 1914 by Mr. and Mrs. H.V. Truell, of Sweet Acre, Knowlton, Quebec. Awarded to candidates from the Eastern Townships who obtain high marks for admission to any full-time degree course and who have had their domicile in the Eastern Townships for at least five years. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.FRIENDS OF MCGILL, INC. SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 1999 by The Friends of McGill University, Inc. in the USA. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to outstanding students entering any undergraduate degree program. Preference is given to U.S. citizens. Renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: $5,000 each.D. Lorne Gales ScholarshipsEstablished in 1992 by the Friends of McGill University, Inc. to honour the late D. Lorne Gales, B.A. 1932, B.C.L. 1935, LL.D. 1979, for his long service to the Friends of McGill. Available for students entering any undergraduate degree program, with a preference to U.S. citizens. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Joan and Conrad Harrington ScholarshipsEstablished with contributions from University staff, family and friends who wished to honour and recognize the service of Conrad F. Harrington (B.A. 1933, B.C.L. 1936, LL.D. (Hon.) 1984, as Chancellor of the University from 1976 to 1983, and with gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Harrington themselves. Available to students with outstanding academic merit entering a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Agriculture, Engineering, Law, Management or Medicine. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Thornley W. Hart ScholarshipsEstablished in 1991 by the Friends of McGill University, Inc. in memory of the late Thornley W. Hart (B.Com. 1937), past president of the Friends of McGill, and in recognition of his desire for greater understanding between Canada and the United States. Available for students entering any undergraduate degree program, with a preference to U.S. citizens. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Murray Hayes ScholarshipsEstablished in 1998 through a generous gift from John Dobson, B.Com. 1949, LL.D. 1996, in honour of the induction of Murray Hayes, B.Com. 1949, into the McGill Sports Hall of Fame. These scholarships are to inspire students entering undergraduate degree programs to maintain good academic achievement while demonstrating exceptional athletic ability combined with the dedication and determination which reflect qualities of leadership. Awarded to Canadian students, male or female, by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on the recommendation of the Martlet Foundation Scholarships Committee and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the University Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Richard Herzer ScholarshipsEstablished in 2000 through an anonymous commitment and a generous gift from the late Richard Herzer, M.Sc. 1935, to students entering the Department of Chemical Engineering. Awarded, on the basis of academic achievement, by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid. The scholarships are renewable for up to three years provided an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee is maintained.
Value: minimum $3,000 each.Sidney J. Hodgson ScholarshipsFounded in 1919 by Arthur J. Hodgson, Esq., in memory of his son, Sidney James Hodgson, a student of the First year in Arts, who was killed in action on September 17, 1918, while serving in the 66th Battery of the Canadian Field Artillery. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to former graduates of Westmount High School who obtain high marks for admission to any full-time undergraduate degree program. Renewable provided the holder meets an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee. In the event that there is not a sufficient number of qualifying students from Westmount High School, the scholarships may be awarded to students living in Westmount.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Charles C.P. Hui Science ScholarshipsEndowed in 1997 with a generous gift from Charles C.P. Hui, B.Sc. 1968. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to students entering full-time undergraduate programs in the Faculty of Science, with preference to students from Hong Kong. The scholarships are renewable provided the holders maintain an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Grace (Read) Irving ScholarshipsEstablished in 1999 through a generous gift by the late Grace (Read) Irving, B.A. 1937, to recognize academic achievement. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to distinguished students entering the Faculty of Arts. Renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $3,000 each.IRWIN/BRENNAN ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2003 by Alexandra Irwin Cowie, B.Sc. 1950, as a legacy of her parents, Alexander N. Irwin and Charlotte Brennan Irwin, and other members of her family. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to an outstanding student entering any full-time undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities.
Value: minimum $10,000; renewable.Keyfitz ScholarshipsEstablished in 1987 by Dr. Nathan Keyfitz, B.Sc. 1934, LL.D. (Hon.) 1984, and Mrs. Beatrice Keyfitz. Available to students with outstanding merit entering any full-time undergraduate degree program with preference to the Faculty of Arts or of Science. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.KILLAM ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 2001 in memory of Isaac Walton Killam of Nova Scotia by his Massachusetts sisters through their testamentary trusts for students entering undergraduate degree programs. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to students who are domiciled in or are citizens of the United States.
Value: minimum $3,000 each; renewable.HUBERT LACROIX ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2003 by Hubert Lacroix, B.C.L. 1976, M.B.A. 1981, Trustee of the Martlet Foundation and former basketball coach at McGill, for students entering undergraduate degree programs. Selection will be based on outstanding academic achievement with preference given to female intercollegiate basketball candidates. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on the recommendation of the Martlet Foundation Scholarships Committee.
Value: $3,000; renewable.Dr. Soo Kim Lan ScholarshipEstablished in 2000 by Arthur Lau, B.Arch. 1962, and Crystal S.C. Lau, B.Sc. 1962, M.Sc. 1964, for an outstanding student entering a full-time undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Science. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable. Preference shall be given to international students.
Value: $3,000.GEORGE LENGVARI ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2003 by George Lengvari, B.C.L. 1966, for students entering undergraduate degree programs. Selection will be based on outstanding academic achievement and preference will be given to intercollegiate basketball candidates. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on the recommendation of the Martlet Foundation Scholarships Committee.
Value: minimum $3,000; renewable.DAVID TAT-CHI LIN ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2003 by David Tat-Chi Lin, M.D.,C.M. 1983, for an outstanding undergraduate student entering a full-time degree program in the Faculty of Science. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid. Preference shall be given to students who are not residents of Quebec.
Value: minimum $3,000; renewable.Jed Lind ScholarshipsEstablished in 1999 through a generous gift from the late Walter H. (Jed) Lind, B.A. 1937, for students entering undergraduate degree programs. Selection will be based on outstanding academic achievement and contributions to extra-curricular activities, with preference to intercollegiate football candidates. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on recommendation of the Martlet Foundation Scholarships Committee. Renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the University Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Sir William Macdonald ScholarshipsEstablished in 1881 by the late Sir William Macdonald. Available to students with outstanding merit entering any full-time undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.ELIZABETH MACFARLANE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2001 through a generous bequest from Elizabeth Macfarlane for an outstanding student entering the full-time undergraduate B.Com. degree program in the Faculty of Management. While academic standing is of primary importance, account will also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and extra-curricular activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $5,000; renewable.John H. Mahon ScholarshipsEstablished in 1998 by John H. Mahon, B.Sc. 1948, M.Sc. 1949, Ph.D. 1953, for students entering the Faculty of Science. Available to outstanding students on the basis of academic standing and community or school leadership and/or financial need. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Martlet Foundation ScholarshipsEstablished in 1991, for students entering undergraduate degree programs, by the governors, members and trustees of the Martlet Foundation to recognize and encourage all round ability. Selection will be based on outstanding academic achievement and contributions to extra-curricular activities, with preference to team athletics. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on recommendations from the Martlet Foundation Scholarships Committee. Renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the University Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Mccall Macbain ScholarshipsEstablished in 1994 by John MacBain, B.A. 1980, and his wife Marcy McCall. John MacBain was President of the McGill Students' Society and a Rhodes Scholar. Renewable entrance awards are offered annually to outstanding students entering a program in the Faculty of Arts on the basis of academic standing, community leadership, extracurricular activities and/or financial need. Open to all students although an attempt will be made to balance the awards equally between Canadian and international students. Awards are made by a selection committee of the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $10,000 each.James Davidson McCall ScholarshipsFounded by his family in memory of James Davidson McCall, B.Eng., who was accidentally killed in September 1953, the year of his graduation. Awarded to students proceeding to degrees in any faculty with a preference to students entering Engineering. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Duncan McCaskill ScholarshipsRestricted to students from Nova Scotia entering undergraduate degree programs. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.J.W. McConnell ScholarshipsMade possible through the generous donation of the late Mr. J.W. McConnell. Available to students entering any undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.J.W. McConnell Foundation Scholarships in EnvironmentEstablished in 2000 by the J.W. McConnell Foundation for outstanding students entering a full-time undergraduate degree in the McGill School of Environment. While academic standing is of primary importance, account will also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $5,000 each; renewable.James McGill ScholarshipsAvailable to students entering any undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.McGill Alumnae Society Gwen F. Buchanan ScholarshipsEstablished in 1991 in memory of Gwen F. Buchanan, B.A. (1929), past President, Emeritus member and Honorary President of the McGill Alumnae Society. Awarded to a distinguished student entering any faculty with preference to women. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: $3,000 each.McGill Alumnae Mabel King ScholarshipsEstablished in 1979 in memory of the late Mabel King and made possible by a generous bequest from her estate to the McGill Alumnae Society. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to a distinguished student entering any faculty with preference to women. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: $3,000 each.McGill Faculty ScholarshipsEstablished in 2004 by an anonymous donor who is a McGill graduate. Awarded to outstanding international students entering the B.A. & Sc. degree program or other undergraduate degree programs in the Faculties of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Engineering, Music and Science, who have demonstrated promise of responsible citizenship and future success. While academic standing is of primary importance, qualities of leadership and participation in community affairs, student government and athletics will be considered. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: $10,000 each.McGILL UNIVERSITY TRUST ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2002 by the McGill University Trust for an outstanding student from the United Kingdom entering any full-time undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account will also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $10,000; renewable.McGill University Contingent Canadian Officers Training Corps Memorial ScholarshipsEstablished in 1978 by the Trustees of the McGill C.O.T.C. Volunteers' Memorial Trust Fund. Available to students with outstanding merit entering any full-time undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Elizabeth B. McNab ScholarshipsEstablished in 1992 by the Friends of McGill University, Inc. to honour Elizabeth B. McNab, B.A. (1941) for her long service to the Friends of McGill. Available for students entering any undergraduate degree program, with a preference to U.S. citizens. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.T.R. Meighen Foundation ScholarshipsEstablished in 1995 by the Trustees of the T.R. Meighen Foundation of New Brunswick and McGill graduates for students from Atlantic Canada entering any undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.MINING, METALS AND MATERIALS Engineering ScholarshipsEstablished by the department from funds given by industry and private donations. To be awarded on merit to students entering or continuing in the Department of Mining, Metals and Materials Engineering. Awarded by the Faculty of Engineering Scholarships Committee on the recommendation of the Department of Mining, Metals and Materials Engineering. The value of the awards varies depending on academic standing and other awards held.
Value: up to $3,000 each.David Pall and Bram Appel ScholarshipsEstablished in 1995 by the Pall Corporation in honour of David B. Pall (B.Sc. 1936, Ph.D. 1939, D.Sc. 1987) and A. Bram Appel (B.Com. 1935) whose lifelong friendship, begun at McGill, resulted in the creation and success of the Pall Corporation. Available to students with outstanding merit entering an undergraduate degree program, with preference to the Faculty of Management or Science. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Edgar R. Parkins ScholarshipsEstablished in 1964 by a bequest from Edgar R. Parkins for students entering any undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Eileen Peters ScholarshipsEstablished in 1994 to provide at least two scholarships to students entering any undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and/or school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.J.B. Phillips Chemical Engineering Entrance AwardTo a student entering the First Year of the undergraduate program in Chemical Engineering. Awarded solely on the basis of merit among entrants with outstanding academic achievement in their pre-university programs. Tenable for one year only and awarded to a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident with one year's residence in Canada. Awards will be made by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on recommendation from the Department of Chemical Engineering Selection Committee.
Value: $500.R.E. Powell ScholarshipsEstablished in 1976 by the family of the late R.E. Powell, Chancellor of McGill University from 1957 to 1964. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Vivienne Poy ScholarshipsEndowed in 1995 by Mrs. Vivienne Poy (B.A. 1962) for students entering undergraduate degree programs in the Faculty of Arts. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.MARGARET BROWER MacMILLAN PRATT SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 2001 by a generous bequest from Edward J. Pratt in memory of Margaret Brower MacMillan Pratt, B.A. 1910. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student aid to outstanding students entering an English Literature or History program in the Faculty of Arts.
Value: minimum $2,000; renewable.Ralston ScholarshipEstablished in 1974 by bequests from Mrs. Hazel Jerrine Ralston and Miss Hazel Vivian Ralston in memory of their sons and brothers respectively, Pilot Herbert James Ralston and Lt. William Edward Ralston who were killed in the Second World War and who were both graduates of Westmount High School. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to a graduate of Westmount High School who has good academic standing and is entering any undergraduate degree program. Renewable provided the holder meets an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000.Rogers Family ScholarshipsEstablished by the Rogers Family who have earned ten degrees at McGill from 1904 to 1993 and who have represented McGill on the Football, Boxing, Wrestling and Skiing Teams. Available to students entering undergraduate degree programs on the basis of high academic standing and qualifying as candidates for the McGill intercollegiate football team. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid on recommendation of the Martlet Foundation Scholarships Committee and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the University Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Frank Schapira Memorial ScholarshipsEstablished in 1990 by friends and family as a memorial tribute to Frank V. Schapira, B.Com. 1961, recipient of the Lieutenant Governor's Gold Medal in Accounting at McGill University. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to students entering the Faculty of Management and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Greville Smith ScholarshipsEstablished in 1977 with a generous bequest to the Martlet Foundation from H. Greville Smith, a former member of the Board of Governors and a distinguished industrialist and philanthropist, who was prominent in educational and scientific pursuits. Awarded to outstanding students entering an undergraduate course of study at McGill University who have shown promise of future success and responsible citizenship. While academic standing is of primary importance, account will also be taken of qualities of leadership and participation in community affairs, student government or athletics. They are not related to financial need, and are open to Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents. The scholarships are tenable up to a maximum of 4 years provided the holder continues to meet the criteria to the satisfaction of the Greville Smith Scholarships Committee and the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid.
Value: $10,000 each.Seba Abbott Smith Memorial ScholarshipsAvailable to students entering undergraduate degree programs. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.April O'Rene Tredgett ScholarshipEstablished in 1999 by Martha J. Tredgett, B.Com. 1989, in honour of her mother, April O. Tredgett. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to an outstanding student entering an undergraduate program in the Faculty of Arts. Renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: $5,000.Roy Gordon Tredgett ScholarshipEstablished in 1999 by Martha J. Tredgett, B.Com. 1989, in honour of her father, Roy G. Tredgett. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to an outstanding student entering an undergraduate program in the Faculty of Engineering. Renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: $5,000.Herschel Victor ScholarshipsEstablished by Herschel Victor (B.Com. 1944) in 1996 for students entering the undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Management. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.PATRICIA ANN WELLS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2001 by family and friends in memory of Patricia Ann Wells, Dip. (P.T.) 1956, B.Phys.Ther. 1971, M.Sc. 1980, a native of Cape Breton who taught at McGill for over 30 years and who was a passionate supporter of higher education. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to students with outstanding academic ability and promise entering any full-time undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of importance, recipients should share Pat's passion for learning and her interest in extra-curricular activities in school and the greater community. Available to students from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, but may be awarded to students from other parts of Nova Scotia in consultation with the donors.
Value: $5,000; renewable.Edgar and Margaret Wilson ScholarshipsEstablished in 1956 by a bequest from Edgar Moles Wilson to provide scholarships for students entering any undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Morris W. Wilson Memorial ScholarshipsEstablished in 1946 by contributions from a large number of friends and associates of the former Chancellor. Available to students entering any undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.David Wolfson ScholarshipsEstablished in 1959 by donations from Mr. Charles Wolfson and his son, David. Available to students with outstanding merit entering a full-time undergraduate degree program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Women Associates of McGill Centennial ScholarshipsEstablished to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the admittance of women to McGill in 1884 and awarded to distinguished students entering a full-time undergraduate degree program in any faculty. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Edward C. Wood ScholarshipsEstablished by Mr. Edward C. Wood, a former member of the Board of Governors. Available for students entering a full-time undergraduate degree program in any faculty. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee. Preference is given to students residing in Canada.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.Isabel Clarke Dickson Woodrow ScholarshipsEstablished in 2000 by a generous bequest from Isabel Clarke Dickson Woodrow for Canadian students entering an undergraduate Nursing program. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of financial need and/or qualities of leadership in community and school activities. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid and renewable provided the holder maintains an academic standing satisfactory to the Committee. Any unspent funds may be awarded by the Student Aid Office as bursaries to Canadian undergraduate students in Nursing.
Value: minimum $2,000 each.
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